01 May 2012

Blog Tour: Until I Die - Character Interview w/ Vincent + Giveaway

You made it to the next stop in the Until I Die blog tour, hosted by our friends over at Mundie Moms. Until I Die is the sequel to Die for Me in the Revenants Series by Amy Plum. Today we feature a interview with Swoon-worthy Vincent and a fun giveaway. You can read Yara's review for Until I Die HERE and for Die for Me HERE.

This tour has a scavenger word game going on , that you have to put together the riddle. Each blog stop has a piece of the riddle. The words are not in order, so you have a bit of work to do once you find all the words. The full blog tour schedule is HERE at Mundie Moms. 


Amy Plum's Links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

OUaT's Interview with Vincent:

OUaT: Hi Vincent, Glad to have you on the blog today. Can you tell us what are some of your favorite books?

Hi Yara! Well, I went on a reading spree of books set in New York City after I met this certain New York girl. *wide smile* So some favorite recent reads were The Angel of Darkness and The Alienist by Caleb Carr. Both books are really dark, but I have a bit of a dark side to me too. *winks*

On the same New York reading spree I really enjoyed The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok. And then I’d have to say, sticking with American authors, Walker Percy wrote some amazing novels. My favorites of his: The Moviegoer, The Second Coming, and The Last Gentleman.

OUaT: Since you have been around for a while, what time period so far did you like or dislike the most?

The Second World War was a horrible time for humanity. You really saw the darkest side of people during those years: neighbors turning on neighbors, teachers betraying students, soldiers slaughtering people as if they were livestock, people making a profit off of the misery of others.

But then again, in the midst of all of this evil and despair, there were those whose humanity really shone. Meek little shopkeepers who turned their stores into information hubs for the Resistance, businessmen who put their families and fortunes at risk by using their power to save the powerless, elderly couples who hid dozens of war refugees right under the noses of the Nazis.

That war in particular brought out the worst and the best of people. So, even though I can’t say I liked or disliked those years, I would have to say that it was the period that affected me the most.

OUaT: When you are dormant, can you do other things besides follow around Kate?

Oh, plenty of things that Amy hasn’t mentioned in her books. Jules and Ambrose make extra cash by going to the horse races when one of them is volant. Seeing a few minutes into the future is pretty handy in those kinds of situations!

Someone asked me why we don’t spy on the numa while our spirits are free of our bodies. Revenants can sense other volant spirits nearby, so it works in both ways: we can’t spy on them; they can’t spy on us.

However, spying on humans is totally in the realm of the possible. And though it isn’t our mission to hunt down human criminals, when there has been a serial killer on the loose, or violent gang activity putting human lives at stake, the police seem to always receive these extremely accurate anonymous tips. *smiles slyly*

OUaT: What has been the sneakiest thing you have done while being dormant?

I won’t reveal any of my own misadventures, but I can tell you that there was a time when Jules hung out backstage at the Crazy Horse while volant.

 OUaT: If Kate could become a Revenant like you, would you let her?

No. I would never want Kate to be burdened with a revenant’s powerful need to die. And to see her endure violent deaths, sacrificing herself to save human lives...why would I wish that for anyone I loved?

OUaT: What is something you look forward to see in the future being invented?

Cure for cancer. There’s nothing worse than being charged with saving human lives and then being completely powerless in the face of such a widespread killer.

 OUaT: Can Revenants travel into space?

Okay, I have to say that’s the strangest question I’ve ever been asked. But...giving it thought, the problem with a rev-in-space would be the dormancy issue. Since we are dormant every month, everyone working ground support would be aware that one of their astronauts was “dead” for three days and then suddenly came back to life. Yeah, I don’t think that would work.

Lighting round:
Super Mario Bros or Zelda?
Atari or Playstation 3? 

I can answer those two questions together: None of the above. Sorry – after wasting literally months in the 1970s to this stupid game called “Pong” where you hit a square ball back and forth between rectangle ping pong paddles, I decided to stay away from video games altogether.

Croissant or Biscuit? Buttery, crispy croissants, please.

Vampires or Werewolves? Werewolves slobber too much.

Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset. Much more romantic.

A big thank you to Vincent for stopping by during this fun tour. Hope you guys liked learning a bit about Vincent. Now thanks to Amy, we can offer today a chance for one reader to win what's in the picture below. 
(signed bookmarks & Eiffel Tower bookmark)

To Enter:
  • Fill out the Form below
  • International Giveaway
  • Giveaway ends Sunday May 6th at midnight
  • Must be 13 years or older to enter
  • Read our Giveaway policy HERE
  • Do not leave email or any personal information below

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Vincent, smart man. Cure for cancer, sunset? Yep, Kate's lucky. :D

  2. Thank you for being a part of the blog tour! I cannot wait to read this book! I miss Vincent!

    1. I don't know what's up with the name part of my comments, but since I want to make sure I get my point for commenting, this is Melissa Driggers :)

  3. I can so picture Jules and Ambrose at horse races. *lol* I almost laughed out loud when Vincent said he used to play "Pong". :D

    These are some great questions and answers. :)

  4. Oh, Vincent! Loved it! Great questions and fantastic answers! I want a warm buttery croissant right now. Happy reading!


  5. Can't wait for this book! I absolutely loved the first one.

  6. I love love love Vincent! Great interview! I loved it, and I laughed a lot. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  7. Great character interview. For me it's vampires at sunset with biscuit and croissant. :D
    I'm really looking forward to reading this series.

  8. I'm so excited to read Until I Die. Thank you Amy for all the wonderful interviews!

  9. I like Vincent so much! Thank you for the giveaway and tour!

  10. This guy makes me laugh!
    Too funny Vincent!

  11. Thank you for being a part of the blog tour! fun interview! XD

  12. I've been meaning to try this series for a while now.

  13. I love Vincent!! Great interview:) I loved Die For Me and I can't wait to read Until I Die. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. lol I'm all for sunset too!! hahahaha I've just started reading Die For Me lol so I've yet to meet him :D

  15. Awesome! I really need some bookmarks too, I don't like dog-earing the page.

  16. Hehe, love the bit about "Pong"! Made me smile :D

  17. Love The Tour Cant Wait To Read The Book. butterli262002@yahoo.com

  18. I love the interview :) Cool Tour and I can't wait to get my hands on until i die!! :)


  20. I really want to read this series. It sounds very good. Tore923@aol.com

  21. Awesome giveaway! I can't wait to read Until I Die!! The cover is gorgeous!

  22. Loved the first book can't wait to read the second book!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  23. What a cute bookmark! I've always wanted to go to Paris, and the scenery and vivid descriptions in your book takes me there! :)

  24. werewolves slobber too much. LOL
    thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Hi
    I've read some reviews about the first book and it sounds interesting. And I'd love to win the little Eiffel Tower.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  26. Thank you for the giveaway, i'm dying to read UNTIL I DIE.

  27. I love Amy's writing, can't wait to read Until I Die!!

  28. LOL. O love the "lost months to pong" answer. Man that game was bad.

  29. Thank you for making this contest international! (:
    I'm really excited about this book, it's been on my wishlist since a couple of months! And the bookmarks are so cute!!

  30. I just got Die for Me on audio, so now I'm really excited to listen. Thanks to both of you!

  31. Looks like a good book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. Thanks for the giveaway. Excited to read these books!

  33. Love these books and of course Vincent!!! Thank you for this giveaway!!!

  34. Aww isn't Vincent just the perfect man ever?
    I soo need a total hot-sweet french guy like him! <3
    Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)
    I hope win!

  35. Effeil Tower bookmark is gorgeous!

  36. LOVED the interview with Vincent <3
    Thanks for hosting this awesome blog hop and for the giveaway! :)

  37. Great interview!! I love Vincent!

  38. I can't wait to read both books!

  39. Lovrd the interview!! Thanks for giveaway and making international!!

  40. Oh my gosh! Her first book was fantastic and I loved it sooo much. I've had the date for Until I Die saved on my calender for forever. =)

  41. I can't wait to read this book love the first one! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  42. Werewolves slobber too much? OH no you didn't! :P

    Loved the interview. :)

  43. THANK YOU for being on the tour! :)

  44. Vincent is one of THE best male leads anywhere! Adore him! Great contest!

  45. Oh lord! I loved the interview!! Im drooling over Vincent even more than boefore (is that ven possible? ) lol
    cant wait to get my copy =P

    excellent post! =D

    Dazzling Reads

  46. Great character interview ^_^

  47. Just curious when a winner will be chosen :) Thanks again for the opportunity!
