24 November 2011

Special Thanksgiving Day Giveaway: A Signed Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Today I'm happy to announce I have a signed paperback edition of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer to giveaway to one of our followers. This copy of Breaking Dawn I received personally from Stephenie Meyer herself when she passed them out in Los Angles to those that were camping to attend the Breaking Dawn Part 1 Premiere. 

Now this won't be a easy giveaway. You will have to do some work for it. Its not everyday you have a chance to win your very own signed Stephenie Meyer book. Being that it is Thanksgiving though, I won't ask to much for you all.

Here at Once Upon a Twilight we truly love our followers, so of course if I have the chance to giveaway a great book, then I'm doing it. We Thank you all each and everyday of the year that you stick with us. We love reading all comments and emails and any twitter or facebook mentions. You all are what keep us going. So 1 million times THANK YOU!

So I mention work would need to be done to earn your chance to win this signed copy of Breaking Dawn. Its simple really. I want you to leave a comment with your Twilight story. Whatever that story might be, how you fell in love with the series, how you eat, breathe Twilight or even a funny story that was caused by Twilight. Obviously if you are trying to win this book, its because you are a fan of the series and Stephenie Meyer, so you must have some kind of story be it simple or lengthy. If you don't have a story, you better have a good reason you want this book and why you dont have a twilight story. Ill be fair. Also for even more extra points send us via email, any Twilight related crafts, foods or anything really that was created by you about Twilight. 

Simple right? So You will have a form to fill out. You MUST be a follower of the blog. You must leave a comment with your Twilight story. then if you are of the crafty type, send us via email your picture for extra points. 

To Enter: 
  • Fill out the FORM
  • Giveaway will run till December 18th 
  • International Giveaway 
  • Read our Giveaway policy HERE
  • Must be 13 years or older to enter
  • No Po Boxes
  • Leave comment below
  • Do not leave email or any personal information below
  • At any time I have the right to extend this contest


  1. So I could tell you how I read the whole series in three days whilst going to work full time, how we didn't eat in that time and I didn't sleep well either lol. Or I could tell you how Twilight got me back into reading tons which then kickstarted my blogging and I'm so grateful for all the experiences I've had as part of that. I could also tell you about how I went to the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn and only got 4 hours sleep before having to go to work and then came home and watched it all over again with the girls. I could tell you how I used to watch Eclipse WHILST washing the dishes (why not, right?) or how every year it's now become tradition for me to buy my sister the latest Twilight movie DVD (although she may be out of luck this year). Thank you for the contest and for making it international :D

    Hope you had a good time at the premiere. I know you met RPATTZ *jealous* but I DID touch the suit he wore at the Harry Potter Exhibition, you know, the one that said "don't touch" LOL

  2. I originally didn't start reading Twilight when everyone else did. I had a coworker that was reading the series and every day at lunch she would tell me about what she read. I thought the books sounded crazy. But, I decided to go see the movie the night it came out. I LOVED it! I came home and read all of Twilight and Midnight sun that night. (It was a late night) The next day I got the other books and started reading. I was googling Twilight stuff when I came across a convention that was taking place in my town, on my birthday! It was fate. So, I signed up for the convention and joined the forum board. From that one little action I have made more life long friends then I did in high school, or college. Twilight literally changed my social life. I also started reading because of Twilight, that was not something I did regularly, now I can't put books down. I am so thankful for Stephenie Meyer for sharing this dream with us all. My life is so much better because of this book.

  3. I used to part of an online book club, and one of the members names was Annie. We were sending each other marked up books...where we took a book we loved and wrote notes throughout it and then gave it to one of the members to then enjoy. Annie sent me Twilight. It was the first time i'd read it, and it was fun to have her thoughts as I did. It was such a fast and fun read, and I had to read the rest...and go to the midnight party for the fourth one. Annie even sent me two c.d.'s of songs she felt fit the series (this was before the movie and its soundtrack). I still have them and enjoy them, so thanks Annie. :)

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  4. I was a late bloomer when it comes to Twilight. My then-13-year-old niece went camping with my family and had these huge black hard-cover books that she couldn't stop reading. She told me she had read each of them 5 times and couldn't stop, even for camping.

    I read them. Many times.

    The End. :)

  5. I am in love with the saga! I loved the series even before the movies came out! Everything I say related back to twilight! I have all the books and movies and any annual on other book i see, I will buy! I love all the charecters for who they are and their own little storys and backgrounds! I am so thankful to Stephenie Meyer for creating the saga! I could write 1000000 words to say how thankful I am! I first heard of the saga when I was 11, 4 years ago, from a friend who encouraged me to read it, so I bought the first three books and that was it... I was hooked! I have wrote a fan fiction on twilight and am making the sequel! Thanks for taking the time to read a young girls reasons to why she is in love with the twilight saga!

  6. I am in love with the saga! I loved the series even before the movies came out! Everything I say related back to twilight! I have all the books and movies and any annual on other book i see, I will buy! I love all the charecters for who they are and their own little storys and backgrounds! I am so thankful to Stephenie Meyer for creating the saga! I could write 1000000 words to say how thankful I am! I first heard of the saga when I was 11, 4 years ago, from a friend who encouraged me to read it, so I bought the first three books and that was it... I was hooked! I have wrote a fan fiction on twilight and am making the sequel! Thanks for taking the time to read a young girls reasons to why she is in love with the twilight saga!

  7. I could tell you how I read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn all in one day each, or how I bought multiple copies of the each book because I thought the covers looked cool, or I could tell you how I saw Eclipse at midnight in some weird theater with my grandpa while on vacation. But I am going to tell you about the first time I read Twilight. It was exactly three years ago, on Thanksgiving that I started Twilight. I had heard about it and was reluctant to read it. I borowed a copy from a friend and began reading it over my schools Thanksgiving break. That night, after I had gotten 100 or so pages in, I put the book down and decided to go to sleep. What else could happen but I have a dream that I am Bella, in the woods, talking to Edward Cullen and saying that I knew what he was. A vampire. Of course when I wake up in the morning I quickly finish the book and fall in love with the series. I am still, to this day, in love with the series. It is a wonderful series and I have even written Fan Fiction for the series. But I will not disclose where! I love the series and I love Stephanie Meyers, and Breaking Dawn was my favorite book in the series, minus the Jacob POV! :) Team Switzerland all the way!!!

  8. I read Twilight when my sister actually found a teaser preview for the movie. We wanted to know what it was supposed to be about.

    Needless to say I fell in love with it and finished the first book in a day. Then when I could go back to the store I bought New Moon and Eclipse and completely devoured them. They were fantastic and the wait for Breaking Dawn was crazy!

    It was during that wait that I discovered fan fiction and other blogs for reviews. It sort of changed me life :)

  9. I started reading Twilight right around when it first came out. I loved the cover and right away was eager to read it. I remember reading it, and thinking that this was a GREAT book, and I told everyone about it! When I went back to work from Mat Leave, I told all the girls I worked with that I had met someone over my break...Edward (and Jacob)! - (I went back and forth between the two of them) I got a few people reading Twilight because of my ranting of how good it was. When New Moon was released, again, same thing - the cover caught my eye and the story was amazing and kept me telling everyone about it. Then Eclipse and then I was at the Midnight Release Party at Chapters for Breaking Dawn, and it was great!! There was Team Edward and Team Jacob drinks, and just all together a great time! Twilight is awesome, and I like that it brings people together like Harry Potter did and does!
    I really do LOVE Twilight, and I'm not ashamed to admit it!!

  10. August2008: heard that there was new vampire movie coming our based on a book. A book? That i had not read? So I ran to the book store to get it. After bout 13 hours of reading it straight through I knew I was hooked. I devoured the books! Then I found twilightmoms. What? more adult women like me who were obsessed? And the rest is history! Went to my first con in Feb2009. I now have friends that I will have the rest of my life...all because of a book.
    Thank you Stephenie Meyer

  11. I had heard a lot about these books, wasn't really interested but decided to ask for them for Christmas in 2007. On January 23,2008, I was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. I'm a wife and mom to two young boys. I started reading these books, and they were such a needed distraction from the worst time of my life. It was so wonderful to be Bella and not a mom with cancer. This is why I get a little sour when someone insults Twilight! Thanks to Stephenie Meyer for giving something that helped me cope with a very difficult time.

  12. one Friday night my sister let me read this book her best friend liked a lot and wanted to share with her. i swear i read the whole book in one night and i was so stunned and fascinated with it and so glad to hear the next day that they were actually making a movie that would premiere on November that same year, Nov couldn't come fast enough. that was the first year in my whole life that I was so excited waiting for a special day on Nov. but bad luck caught us and we waited till Dec 26th. didnt care that it was holiday season me, my sisters and our best friend brought tickets to see Twilight twice during the weekend. but by that time we had already read the whole saga and we were waiting impatiently for news about NM after it was confirmed it was happening. after 3 year we are still enthusiastic to see more of this movies and even though we now have different job/careers we always come together every year to see this movies together and we still fangirl like its still 2008 :)

    it is very nice to be part of this and now to share it with so many of you guys, not just with my best friends and sister :)

  13. My Twilight story is that the Twilight series completely changed my life. I first accidentally discovered Twilight in the summer of 2007. I never read much outside of school but for some reason when I saw Twilight sitting on the shelf at my local Borders bookstore, I just felt the urge to buy it. I was going through much personal stuff during that summer. I desperately needed an escape from reality and Twilight gave me that escape but also it gave me hope. I stayed up all night long reading and I instantly fell in love with the story and characters. I never knew it was possible to relate to a character from a book in the way that I related to Bella Swan. I ran out the next morning to buy New Moon and I hid out in my room all day reading again. I cried while reading New Moon and didn't know it was possible for a book to make you feel another character's emotions so strongly. I waited anxiously for Eclipse and later Breaking Dawn to come out and was at my local bookstore first thing in the morning. I loved both Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and cried when Breaking Dawn ended. However, if I had to chose my favorite book in the series, it would be Twilight because it began it all. The Twilight books were all I could talk about and still are. Every time I have a bad day whether it is at home or at school, I would just open up Twilight and lose myself in the story. I had to buy several copies of the entire series because of how often I read them. The Twilight series has led me to discover a new passion for reading and pursue a degree in English.

    I was even more ecstatic when I discovered that the books would be turned into a movie. I convinced as many people in my family as possible to read the books before seeing the movies. I have been at each movie for the midnight showing and gone back several times to watch the movie again. I also convinced my father to watch them and now he is a huge Twilight fan as well. Twilight has now given us something that we can talk about and watch together. The rest of my family laugh at us because all it takes is one little mention of Twilight and we instantly jump into a conversation about the books and movies that can go on for hours. I am so thankful for Stephenie Meyer’s dream that began this all because if it weren’t for the Twilight series I don’t think I would have ever discovered my love for books. I also don’t know where my life would currently be if I didn’t pick up Twilight that day.

  14. well my friends started reading this series and told me I had to read it so I finally agreed, but I wasn't really a reader. I never read for fun, and I couldn't figure out why all my friends were so in love with this series with a vampire in it. I thought they were crazy! Anyway it took me 6 months to read twilight. I was a SLOW reader at the time and kept making up excuses on why I couldn't read this book. Finally when I finished Twilight I was done for I read New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn within the week! I am so thankful (haha it's Thanksgiving afterall) for Stephanie Meyer and this series because ever since I haven't stopped reading!

  15. So I found the first Twilight book when it first came out before all of the craziness over it. I read it and thought it was kind of interesting.

    It wasn't until this last movie that I really started liking the movie series. I wasn't very crazy about the books, but I really do enjoy the movies. I would really like this book because I would like to maybe give the books another chance since I found that I like the movies.

  16. My sister gave me TWILIGHT & said you MUST read. The hype was just beginning. When I finally read the book. I craved more. By this time the entire series was out & I just fell in love.

  17. My daughter loves the Twilight series and has been telling me forever That I should read them. I finally gave in and bought the first book. I loved it! It was so much better than the movie. So, I have to get the other books.

  18. My twilight story is that I find out that there was going to go out a new movie of vampires, like that i begin to read the book ... later i was so obsessed that I read a heap of fanfics:p ... i needed to do something to be able to bear the wait up to the movie!

  19. My story? Well... I'll just say that I discovered Twilight when it was still a new release. (Crazy to think how far it's come!) I became obsessed, which of course, people thought was crazy- obsessed with vampires? (Like I said, insane what a few years difference makes!) I guess I'm just good at predicting trends (or good books). ;) Anyway, I was supposed to go to one of Stephenie's signings (a relatively small one at that) but something came up and I was unable to go, so *finally* getting a signed book would be amazing!

    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  20. Twilight is the reason I'm a writer today. My friend raved about the Breaking Dawn release so much, she totally made me curious about the series. I hadn't read fiction in such a long time, but I had a new baby and dealing with a difficult diagnosis with my other son, so I got the books. I was sucked into Twilight immediately and it took me to a wonderful world far away from my drama. Her story made me wonder what my vampire story would be. So I put down Twilight and The Emerald Talisman was born. During writing, I went on a wild hunt to read and watch as many interviews with Stephenie as I could. When Twilight came out, I nearly freaked (all by myself) in the movie theater when I saw her cameo. I'm in awe of her and so thankful because writing has become the greatest thing (besides being a mom) ever in my life and kept me from becoming depressed during a dark time. I've met so many other authors since who have been inspired by Stephenie, bloggers like you, Yara, and others. It's changed my life.

  21. OMG, when I opened up my email and saw your blog post, I was like, "A SIGNED Breaking Dawn?! Are you kidding me?! HELLS YEAH!" LOL.

    My Twilight story is that during the fall (meaning September and October) of 2008 one day, my niece who was in first grade came home with a Scholastic book order and me, being the book nerd that I am went through both of them and looked over the books because when I was in elementary school, I always ordered books from them, haha! Anyway, she had two of them and I went through the first with no interest in any of the books, then I ran across Twilight in the second order form thingy. At the time, I wasn't like, "OH MY GOSH! I NEED TO READ THIS RIGHT NOW!" I just tucked the title into the corner of my brain for later reference. Coincidentally, a few weeks later, my sister and I were at school and we were in the library...I forget what for but anyway, we were looking at the books in the very back of the library and at the time, there were like, two copies of Twilight on the shelf. When we ran across it, I pointed out to my sister, "HEY! That's that one book in the book order thingy!" My sister picked it up and read the summary thingy on the back and decided to check it out. I didn't check it out myself because I have this thing where if I want to read a book, it has to be mine. Store bought and all that stuff. Anyway, she checked out the book and within the first few days, she was immediately in love. Then shortly after she finished it, I went and purchased book one and two from my B&N. I devoured those two in about a week. Because we finished those two so fast, I told my oldest sister about it and she finished the whole series in a month. And after the three of us finished the series, we praised it forever and eventually all my four other sisters read it and all three of my sister-in-laws read it too. In my whole family, EVERYONE knows what Twilight is, haha! And talk about good timing! Shortly after we (meaning all the ladies in my family) all finished the series, what do you know? Twilight was going to be released on November 18th, 2008. MAN, were we stoked or what?!?! On that Friday, I think everyone in my family, meaning all the brothers, their wives, my sisters, their husbands, my nieces, and my nephews all got the day off...from school and work. We all got together and met up at this McDonald's and then we were all decked out in our Twilight t-shirts and all that gooda stuff. We ate around 3-4pm and then I was rushing everyone to get to the theater, haha! We got to the theater at five, our showing was at seven. We were the first ones in line because you know back in 2008 when the first movie released no one really knew what it was all about. Now, showing up two hours before your showing is freakin' crazy late! Anyway, we all sat down against the wall and as time ticked down, more and more people showed up and we talked to all the fans there! It was so much fun! When it was time to go in, because there were so many of us, we didn't have an organized, planned wait to sit. I just knew that I wanted to sit next to my sisters, haha! We took up almost two whole rows. Right in the center. :)

    I had written more but it couldn't be accepted because I got a warning that said, "Must be at most 4,096 character" which I don't think I went over but I'll email Yara the rest, haha!

  22. After I had twins, I suffered from Post Partum Depression. As a way to cope with the stress and anxiety I felt, I turned to reading. During this period, my husband & I rented Penelope and saw the preview for Twilight. I'd never heard of it but asked my sister in law if she happened to have the books. She said she did and that I could borrow them but that "they were really pretty lame and you won't like them." I read all four straight through over the course of a week. Then I read them again. Then I had my husband read them. The story helped pull me through the darkest period of my life and it brought me to TwilightMoms.com and through the forums there, I had support that I didn't have stuck in the house with premature twins. I had other moms to talk to when I had a rough day or to just gush over a book or a movie or whatever. Without Twilight, I think I would have been a mess by now. The twins are in preschool and the stress has lessened but I really don't think I'd have made it to this point without Twilight giving me a ray of hope.

  23. My sister-in-law told me I had to read Twilight. She said I would like it...boy was she right, I read all 4 in a week!!!!! Then for my bday she got me the movie and I have been in love with Twilight and Rob Pattinson ever since!!!! I am totally Team Edward! All my friends always ask me about twilight cause they know I keep up on everything!!! I have all the magazines, books, dvds, trading cards,, burger king give-aways, even twilight scented candles...I love going on TwilightMOMs FB group and sharing my twilight stories and fun Rob stuff every day!!!I know I will always like Rob, no matter what movie he makes!!!! For xmas last year my husband bought me the DVD "Robsessed"...YA THAT'S ME!!!!

  24. I didn't find TWILIGHT until just before BREAKING DAWN was released. I was working in a book shop during college, and I was unpacking orders. In 1 of our orders there was a flyer for BREAKING DAWN. I read a little about it and then went and pulled a copy of TWILIGHT off the shelf. It was a pretty slow day so I went ahead and cracked the cover. And I never put it down. I read the whole thing that day. Then, the next morning, I made my now husband, take me straight to the book store to get NEW MOON and ECLIPSE. I spent the next 2 days by the pool with my nose in the books and then was horrified to realize I had to wait 3 WEEKS for BREAKING DAWN.
    I even got my husband to go see all the movies with me. And now, every time I get on to him for something his comeback is, "We can't all be sparkly vampire men." Haha!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. OH NO! My post didn't show up so I am writing it again......See what this post has done to me?

    I started this series way back in October 2005, a small book with big meaning and HOW it changed my life! I had always been a romantic but this story pulled at my heart strings and with a feeling that I never knew before it rooted itself within my heart and that where it stays till this day. I Braved a snow storm in December to buy another copy to share with a book lover friend! If anyone knows once that Twilight love takes hold you just have to share with any and everyone that you can. I couldn't wait for New Moon, where I cried, smiled and like the Grinch my heart grew two sizes that day! & then Eclipse raced to the peak of reading enjoyment...my favorite one! Then it was Breaking dawn.......ahhhhhhh an end to the series but a forever love is born! I just can't get enough! I even wrote a paper for a college Psychology course, "How can love be true, an in-sight into the Twilight saga" Lame I know but a girl can only do so much when Twilight rules her heart! I even had a chance to share with my old High School English class my love for Twilight in a Q&A session where their were more than a few guys that came to understand how/why girls love Twilight and it gave them a better look into the story behind the story....got a lot of great questions! I bought a big screen TV just so that I could watch Twilight when it was released on DVD and YES it was Blue Ray! I made leather covers for my books with matching name plates..I included those in my e mail. I also carry a Twilight lunch box to work with me. Odd? No! It's a love for Twilight! This series has changed my life and I hope to always have this feeling....LONG LIVE TWILIGHT!

  26. i have more than one Twilight story!!!!
    firstly, i saw Twilight 7 times, a few times, i drove nearly an hour just to see it; one time, i even saw it when i travelled to Orlando!!!!

    secondly, as i was reading the series, i would HUG the book, like it was a doll!!!

    thirdly, because of the books, i've stopped watching soap operas & started reading everday now!!!!

    thank you for this fantastic giveaway!!!!

  27. i hav a freind who is obesessed wiht twilight n she read each book at least 100 times
    she has practically memorized the books!
    she read all the books in 2 days but it took me more like 2 weeks
    but i did thoroughly enjoy the books!!
    i would love to have a signed copy of Breaking Dawn and maybe give it to my friend as thanks cuz i loved that she got me hooked on the series.

  28. My Twilight story…um well I got to go to the first Twilight convention in San Francisco. It was really fun and Kellan Lutz sat next to me at the dance.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. Okay, so when I read the first three words in this post- OH MY DEAR!!! I just burst into bliss! I swear, I was jumping up and down! And oh dear, I so wanted to scream like a maniac, but I was in front of my mom, so I didn't want to freak her out. haha!
    But THANK YOU! so so much! I also want to say that you were the first book blog, and blog in general, that I ever followed. It's been about one and half? Ii'm not quite sure, but I really enjoy your reviews on upcoming books, which I can add to my library.
    As for how much I love Twilight? Very much! The Twilight Saga was the starting point for me. I hadn't read a book for my enjoyment since 2nd grade. I mean, I did read books, but they weren't a series, or I wasn't interested enough. I started truly being an addict about two years ago! It all started with one of my friends, GUY friends, who kept bringing Eclipse to school. We were so close in 7th grade and he started telling me so much about it. At that time, I've heard about Twilight. And I cringe when I think about it now, but I used to think Twilight was dumb. I was ignorant- Ignorance is horrible! I didn't once read the books, or even watch the Twilight movie. But the third day my friend had brought Eclipse, he had finished it before the tardy bell rang. He then laid it down on his desk and smiled at me. Then I asked how it was, and what had happened, did Bella stay with Edward? [I knew the outline and the whole "Team" frenzy, which was the only reason I didn't read Twilight- I thought it was over dramatized!]
    He just gave me one of his kilowatt smiles and next thing I knew I was reading Eclipse during each of my classes. My two best friends were staring at me as if I grew a second head. One of them loved Edward, but admits to Jacob hot abs. lol The other, didn't hate, but isn't a full blown out fanatic as me! The funny thing is that on the third day I had gotten Eclipse, I was reading New Moon and my classmate asked me what I thought about it. Woah, I was on a full- blown out rant about it. Then, she said, "It's hard to stop reading it, isn't it? It's addicting! You're obsessed."
    I hadn't realized it until then. But yeah, I was.
    I AM.
    I'm a huge Twilight fanatic!
    The books are amazing, and I think the movies are just as great!
    To be honest, I never thought I would go to see a movie at midnight. Oh was I wrong. Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are marvelous at night! lol
    Then, during the summer, I went online, downloaded every picture I could on my cell phone and computer. I wrote down my favorite quotes on my "Journal of Vampires, Werewolves, Shape-shifters, etc. With it's own section. That's one of the things I'll email to you! :D Let's just hope my webcam works.
    But yeah, thanks so much for the chance to win a signed copy of Breaking Dawn!
    I would seriously die a happy teen girl!!!
    Oh, and even though I didn't read all the books in a jiffy like everyone else; 1. I had no money to buy them 2. School library had a waiting list 3. I'm a slow reader at times.
    However, I did read them in just three weeks! Once soccer season finished, Twilight was my remedy!!! I LOVE TWILIGHT! Books, Movies, Soundtracks, Posters, etc.
    But I would honestly really love to have Breaking Dawn in my bookshelf. The irony is that I read the books out of order and I never bought the copies. Which sucks. I have a New Moon copy, but with the movie cover. I need to buy the books and add them to my bookshelf soon!
    Anyway, I need to send you the e-mail. :D Thanks!

  30. I first started my passion for Twilight by seeing the first movie trailer on TV..I first read the book, then couldn't get enough and went right out and bought the next three. I became obsessed. I searched for Twilight, and started buying stuff for it thru ebay from this girl that I started talking to. She gave me a website to visit, Twiightmom.com, and told me to go there. WOW, I was completely amazed. I am proud to say that I have been a Twilightmom since Feb of 2009, and have met the most fantastic women that I consider very close friends..Some I have met in person, others I have not. But there doesn't go a day that I don't correspond with one of them thru FB, Texting, phonecalls, or thru Twilightmoms. IT has made me realize how small the world really is, and without Stephanie Meyer's novels, I would have never met them. THey have been there when I needed them, and I also owe my graditude to Lisa founder of Twilightmoms. Its been an amazing adventure, and fills my life with so much happiness, and can NEVER put into words. THru these contects, I have learned about blogging, spreading the word about the written word is just an incredible thing. I have my own personaly library now, that I am very proud of, and have many autographed books...BUT, Stephanie is one that I don't have, and would LOVE to have it in my possesion. I loved seeing the pics of the premier, seeing it thru the fans eyes, and also pics of all the conventions that have been held. I envy, and adore my dear friends for sharing that experience with me. How amazing, that a story can draw perfect strangers together and share the passion.

  31. Twilight story...hmm. I didn't read the series right away for some reason. My mother of all people gave me her copy and insisted I give it a try. Anyway I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I wasn't interested. One day I picked up Twilight and that was all she wrote. I can't recommend the series enough.

  32. I don't have an outstanding story about Twilight but I really do love the series and have read each book a few times, starting again prior to each movie release. I began after hearing about the book from a friend and was hooked! Then my daughter read them too and she was hooked! Even one of my sons must see each movie! The last was amazing!

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  33. Twilight introduced me to the world of YA books, and I'm glad I started my adventures in YA books with the Twilight series. It's an open secret how much I love them! I even bought a Twilight calender and put it on my desk!

  34. My mother gave me Twilight as a gift, she ended up buying me the whole series. I finished every single book within a day and skim them repeatedly, even this much later.

  35. I read Twilight right after it first came out, before anyone else had heard of it, when it was still just a little book with potential.
    My love of vampires and vampire books brought me to this obsession. If I didn't have a specific book to look for when I went to the library, then I would do a search on vampire fiction and see if there was anything new out that I hadn't read yet. I happened upon an unknown (to me)book called Twilight, and after reading the synopsis in the library catalog, thought it sounded interesting, and right up my alley.
    After reading it, I closed the book, and then opened it again on page 1 and started all over again. I had never done that with a book before that one. Then I had to do as much research online as possible for anything related to the book/author. I found SM's website, which at that time was small and intimate. And I also found what I had been looking for, that there was slated to be a sequel, New Moon, which I had to wait very impatiently for it to be released. I knew from the moment I read Twilight that it was going to be something special, and I was right.

  36. Here's my story:
    I'm a boy. Plus I'm a preteen boy. At age 8 (I'm 12 now) I was obsessed with vampires. It didn't matter what kind of vampire, just as long as it was a vampire. Then I found out they're was a new book coming out that took place in modern times, and took place where I live (I live in the same county as Forks)so I naturally wanted to read it. But then I found out it was a chick thing. But I still wanted to read it!!! But I was afraid on how that would go down in school, so I told all my friends that it had lots of sex and violence (which it obviously doesn't, really) in it. Then I got everybody reading it, I went to see Breaking Dawn with a few of my buds, so I think I have them hooked!

  37. I love Twilight! It was amazing front the start. Just recently, my two aunts, my sister and i went to go watch Breaking Dawn. It was AMAZING! Anyways, we went to olive garden after for lunch.
    While eating, my aunt didn't know what "Imprinting" was. So we all had to explain it to her, and she still didn't get it. We were probably the loudest ones there!
    It's was really funn :D

  38. Twilight makes me barf. My mom however loves it and I love her and that would be my very short Twilight story :)

  39. My Twilight Story:

    The beginning: I was literally going cross-eyed finishing a term paper on Keats and another on Shakespeare. Alone in my dorm, I needed something awesome to get me kick-started and excited and ALIVE again. So I picked up my room-mate's copy of Twilight. And it was AWESOME!! I devoured it, and the amazing story and characters and romance kick-started me all over again, its awesomeness like energy I practically sucked in from the page. (They seriously should consider a Twilight vitamin or something other than caffeine:) It works so much better:)

    The middle: I went from Twilight to New Moon to Eclipse to Breaking Dawn all in that weekend. I couldn't stop. Keats and Shakespeare had to wait. I literally walked around campus with Stephenie Meyer's book - I ate with it propped up against the plate, I walked with my nose buried in it, I bumped into people with it. I couldn't put it down. I was a Twilight zombie.

    The end: At the end of Breaking Dawn I literally hugged it. And then went to the bookstore to buy my own copies. In duplicate (just in case there was a coffee spillage problem when I reread them). And at the bookstore I met this great guy. Who was in grad school. My own Edward Cullen. Minus the reading minds part:) But he's just as chivalrous and funny and totally cool:)

    In the form and on GFC I'm Christina Kit. I couldn't use the same name in the comments - the prompt-thingy wouldn't let me.

  40. Hi and thanks for this giveaway!

    I did not want anything to do with Twilight. I am not normally one to get hung up on all the hype.

    But, my daughter convinced me to rent the movie and then I was done!! I ran out and got the books from the library, read them straight through and fell in love with the storyline and all of the characters. Breaking Dawn is my favorite from the saga!

  41. My love for everything Twilight started when I saw the first movie. I didn't really know what it was about, I haven't read the book, but I liked the trailer enough to want to see it.

    After that, I was hooked. I loved all the books, and sometimes couldn't stop crying while reading Eclipse and New Moon. And through the movies' soundtracks I've discovered a lot of beautiful songs. I've learned a lot of them by heart, so that Twilight could stay with me even if I were somewhere in the middle of the woods. Someplace like Forks:)

  42. My love for Twilight started the summer after the Twilight was first released. I checked it out from my public library and read it within a couple of days. From there I was hooked. Right after I finished it I started it again. I read that library copy so many times I lost count. It was the first book that I had ever read with vampires or werewolves or any type of paranormal anything. I even got my brother hooked on the series. We couldn't wait for the next book to come out. Both New Moon and Eclipse we had pre-ordered and delivered to us when they first came out. When Breaking Dawn finally came out I was actually working at a bookstore so I was able to be a part of the midnight release of it. Its always so amazing to meet the fans of the series and see how people love the book whether they have read the series from the beginning or if they just started and read the whole series within a few days. After the first movie I was finally able to convince my mom to read the books after years of trying and of course she loves it too. We just went to see Breaking Dawn part 1 a few days ago and it was amazing.

  43. I was one of those people that didn't want to read Twilight at all. I had heard great things about it and then bad things, too. I didn't care about reading about a vampire love story. I was getting ready to have surgery and and a good friend convinced me to read it (I had received it as a gift during a holiday book swap my book club was having). Well, I read it after my surgery- and then next day I had to be driven to the book store during a snowstorm because I couldn't wait to read the 2nd one! I read all 4 books in less than a week and devoured them! I am so glad I openend my mind and gave them a try! I would LOVE to win this book! How exciting to have a chance at winning!


  44. My love for Twilight started after a trip to the Olympic Penninsula with a friend. I fell in love with the area and after visiting some of the Twilight themed stores decided to give the books a read. I was HOOKED! I now live about 3 hours away, and visit often as another way of breathing Twilight into my life.

  45. I loved the Twilight books enough that I read all the books at least three times (I know that's not much compared to other readers but come on! There are other books to read *smiles*).
    But the ONE huge, gigantic, enormous reason I LOVE Twilight series is how my non-reader daughter became a reader. She rarely read any books unless they were short or comics. She read the series in four days. Since then she has picked up other books and read them, much to this mother's delight.
    For this reason, I LOVE the Twilight books!

  46. My cousin and I read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse on our weekend vacation to Galveston. It was a 2 day vacation and we stayed in the room the whole time, reading and squealing. We both lost weight from not eating just so we could get through the books. It was a weekend I will never forget. This series has allowed me to find friends I will have for a lifetime, enjoy a hobby I love (making jewelry) and given me back the passion to read.

  47. I don't exactly have one story, but I do remember getting into Twilight because when I was in 7th grade, I really enjoyed the Vampire Kisses series. My best friend told me to read Twilight instead and I just fell in love. Back then, there weren't 50 people in my school carrying around the book. Fast forward a few years and everyone had a copy, even if they didn't want to admit it. The funny thing is that my boyfriend just admitted that he had the Twilight series as ebooks after constantly bashing the franchise.

    Oh, also, when I worked at Hot Topic, New Moon was just coming out and people were crazy with the merchandise, I tell you! I kind of loved it, though.

  48. I got the set for my daughter, as I wa not into reading vampire stories. I later saw a clip for the movie watched it and had to ask my daughter for her set so I could read em lol.

  49. Well, I'm old follower on your blog and i love it.
    For Twilight All I can say is i love it.
    well what's strange here?
    the ''strange'' here maybe is that i'm, listen to this 16 YEARS OLD BOY!!!!
    strange? not?
    I have lot of Twilight stories. I'll tell you this one, and it's new.
    In my new school there are lots of twilight fans, boys and girls.
    once we were sitting in the cafeteria and from the door there were coming 5 teachers.
    3 men and 2 woman.
    just like in twilight bella asks, i asked. Who are they?
    And my best friend said.
    Those are the Cullens. haha
    the strange here was that like in the movie and the book,
    my english female teacher and my history male teacher were coming in first (like in twilight emmett and rosalie)
    behind them were my french teacher and biology teacher (alice and jasper haha )
    and later, behind them camed in the director of the school (liek edward)
    now everyime we see them we call them by twilight names. hahaha
    Greetings! Love YOU!

  50. I never really read alot as a kid or a teen. When I was about 23 I started reading but only a couple of series(literally 3)but couldn't find anything else that interested me enough to read it after that......Until one day while at my brother in laws house I saw Twilight sitting on his dresser and asked about it. He said he hadnt read it yet but he had heard good things about it and said it was about vampires. That caught my attention because I have always loved vampires but I had never read about them. I told him I wanted to borrow it and read it if he wasnt planning on reading it anytime soon, so I did. I fell head over heels in love with this book!!! I had to run out and get the second one ASAP! I raved about it until my brother in law finally read it to shut me up then he had to have my copy of New Moon. We both ran out to get Eclipse and couldnt find one anywhere! Everyone was sold out! I was panicking so we drove an hour to the nearest BN and finally found a copy. Devoured it and got Breaking Dawn next. Now I read CONSTANTLY and have my very own book blog.Since then I have read MANY MANY...MANY books in the Paranormal and YA genres. In short Twilight opened my eyes to the YA book world that I was destined to be a part of. Changed my life, forever :) My thanks to Stephenie for writing such a beautiful, powerful story that changed me deeply :)

  51. Around the time the first movie was coming out on DVD the hype was really annoying me and I thought it looked stupid but after a while I wanted to watch the movie but my mom said I should read the book first which is kinda funny considering most parents don't want their kids to read the books and when I did I absolutely loved it and lucky for me my neighbor had all the books and I read them back to back. Every once in a while the hating gets to me and I start agreeing with them but then I'll reread the books or watch the new movie and I fall in love with it all again. They really got me into reading and since then I've read so many great books and met so many great people in fact me and my best friend bonded because we both loved the books and now we go to all the midnight showings and releases and the marathons that last hours. Thats my Twilight story and I couldn't be more pround to tell it :)
    This is such an amazing giveaway especially since she doesn't do signings and I really hope I win!

  52. I fell in love with twilight after all my friends told me to read them. Eclipse had just come out and I thought I'd try the first book. I wasn't expecting much. I hadn't ever read a vamp book before. I even felt stupid buying it in the bookstore, like it was ridiculous for me to be reading a vampire love story. (This was before they were cool, of course.) But when I got it home and started reading, I couldn't stop reading! I devoured that book on my airplane ride to Thailand and I didn't have the next one. But my friend had brought New Moon on the plane so I read that one next. My best friend was laughing at me for being so obsessed with a book while we were on a 15 hour plane ride,but then I handed it to her and it's been her favorite book ever since. Twilight opened up the world of YA books to me, and for that I will always love it. I don't care what people say. It's awesome and I will forever be Team Jacob. :-)

  53. I came onto the Twilight scene about the time they released the first teaser trailer. I was really into Buffy so I thought I would read the books. I picked up Twilight at Borders while on vacation, and the clerk even had said to me, :You're a little late to start this series aren't you?" A little rude, but whatever. I started reading it that night and went back the next day for New Moon and Eclipse. It was a long wait for Breaking Dawn. I even got Twilight on audio so I could listen to it in the car. I was reading them over and over even while walking into the hospital to work where I was a nurse. My husband even took me to a Twilight Convention for our anniversary. I won a huge banner in the auction that is in the hallway of my house! I also am told I resemble Bella/K.Stew from the first Twilight movie, and even my patients would comment on it. So I bought the blue B.B. Dakota jacket to add to the effect! Those are just a bunch of little things that led to my huge obsession with Twilight. I hope I get to camp out next year. My cousin and I are planning on it. I will also be emailing my craft. I think the greatest thing that Twilight did for me was get me reading again, which it seems to have done for so many. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  54. I picked up the book at the bookstore a months before New Moon came out. I absolutely devoured it. I couldn't get it out of my hands until I was finished. I ignored everyone around me. It was like my guilty pleasure. I couldn't get enough. One of the first books that I ended up re-reading immediately. I was hooked. I got each sequential book at midnight of the release date. Read until I couldn't stop. Felt emotions about a series like none other. I feel so odd having been one of the few who experienced this series from the beginning. The phenomenon is just out of this world. So different from Harry Potter, yet still as far reaching.

  55. I'm pretty sure you know my story, but it never hurts to tell it again... :)

    I was one of those people who didn't understand the Twilight craze. I thought it was a silly series for teens and couldn't understand all the hype. My friend ended up dragging me to see Twilight in the theaters, and after seeing it, I thought maybe it wasn't so silly after all. But I still wasn't sold.

    Then one day, when I was bored, I decided to buy the books and see what all the fuss was about for myself. I wasn't completely hooked after Twilight, but after New Moon...I was sold. I rushed back out to buy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and packed them for my trip to Canada. I read as often as I could while there, and, when I finished Breaking Dawn, I knew I couldn't let the characters go. I immediately revamped the books again...and again...and again...

    Eventually my love *cough*obsession*cough* with the books led me to TwilightMOMS...which led me to even more books...and eventually to blogging. And here I am!

    I'm so glad those of us at home got to live the Red Carpet vicariously through your pics, and it is so generous of you to give this copy away. Thanks to you, and thanks to Stephenie for such a life-changing series!

  56. My Twilight story is nothing super special. MY best friend told me about the series when it was just Twilight that was out. He told me I should really read it, so I sat in Walmart in the book section and read it. Ever since then, I would sneak the books into my classes and read instead of taking notes. I went to the movie premieres despite my other friends making fun of me for it. I watched them with my girlfriend who also loves them. So my story is simple...I started it because of a friend's suggestion years ago, and now, as it's coming to an end, it's sad to see it go.


  57. My co-worker who has become my best friend had all the books and was reading them and since me and her are big book readers she kept telling me about twilight and books and I was like "ok I will read them and never did" The first Twilight movie was out a couple of days after my birthday and she had purchased midnight tickets to see it and her boyfriend blew her off and she comes to me the night before and says "I am picking you up so you can go with me to the midnight showing of Twilight I paid the tickets already and since you just had your birthday you going" I was like "Oh ok" so we went and it was so much fun the best night of my life and feel of the fans and how excited everyone was I watched the movie and become hooked that night when she dropped me off I told her I wanted the book to read and I was so tired I didn't care but it was like a something clicked and I dreamed of the characters that night "Yeah so weird right!!" so I started the first book read it that weekend and finshed it in like 2 days went to her house got the next book and end up finshing all the books in 1 month. It is funny since she was the one that loved it I was the one that was addicted to the books and the series we have gone every year to the midnight showing and have made it my birthday night out the movies that came out in novemeber. I have all the movies on dvd. I don't have the books only because she has them if i want them I just go get them but would love to have my own books. I do have them downloaded on my iphone and read them constanly i think i have read them 20x each it is such a wonderful series and I always go back to the first book and it reminds me why I fell in love with the series in the first place i have all the shirts that I always have to wear to the midnight showing and as of the last movie i have gotten more and more friends to go with me to see the midnight showings my good friend isn't really a major fan but since she loves so much she goes and I finally got her hook that she is looking forward to last movie and now understands why the movies are so wonderful. Like Jackson Rathborn says it the best You need a FAN to be a twilight FANatic!!

  58. Thanks for this giveaway! :)

    I used to HATE Twilight. Yeah. :) I never liked it before to the point that whenever its trailer plays on TV, I would switch channels immediately. I just get annoyed whenever I see it.
    But then, one friend got me to read Twilight and then, I WAS HOOKED! The rest is history. You know, with all the fangirl-ing. :D I always pity myself for losing money because of buying anything connected to this. But it's all worth it and I'm proud. This series is the very first one I've read. It's the reason why I am now a very big bookworm. That's why no matter what happens, eventhough I have so many books that I love right now, The Twilight Saga will forever be in my heart. They are my first love. The original. Twihard Forever. <3

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Twilight really did change my life. Before I picked up Twilight, I "hated" to read. Or more accurately, I would not admit that I sometimes enjoyed it, and because of that, I never did read except for school books. That all changed with Twilight.

    I tore through the first two books in a day and a half. I rushed to the bookstore (literally ran at 8 pm) and bought the second two. I finished Eclipse in about a day. Then I started Breaking Dawn. Breaking Dawn brought me through to monday morning - oh no school! But since I have an awesome mom, she let me stay home so I could finish it. The time when I was reading these books, I was in bed for a whole weekend. Not exaggerating at all. I would make someone bring me food, I would sleep periodically, then read when I woke up.

    For a while I would ONLY read this series. I read the books many times turing this time period. I wouldn't read anything else- nothing could compare. Finally I was able to find one book, Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Sthol. This was the first book to break my spell, per se. Through a series of events, Twilight actually led to the creation of my blog! It really did start my love of books.

    I am OBSESSED with the series. My room is completely filled with Twilight memorabilia. I have many copies of the books (hardcover, paperback, collector's edition, movie tie-ins), the 1st three movies in dvd and blue ray, posters, movie behind-the-scenes books, themed candy, music box that plays Bella's lullaby, Twilight Perfume, ect. I have had to cut myself off since I was spending so much, but I will treasure what I have forever.

    I recently BAWLED when I watched Twilight. Not because of the movie, but because of the sentimental value the series now holds for me. It really did change my life. Winning something signed by Stephenie Meyer would mean the world to me.

  61. My Twilight story? Well, its not an exciting one, really. I think of it as sad.
    I first read the series in 7th grade, before it came out. Like, litteraly a few months. My mom had moved me and my siblings to another state so she could work on her marriage, and I was in a terrible school that I hated. The Twilight series was one of the few things that helped me get through that rough time.
    Well, about a year later, I got my "dad" (sperm donor!!!) to buy me the whole series. well, the last three books. I bought the first one ( collectors edition!) after my grandpa took me to go see Twilight in theatres the weekend after it came out.
    The books he bought be were EXPENSIVE concidering they were hardback and he got them around Christmas.
    Well, to end my story, the reason Im entering the givaway, is that my best friend wanted to read the series, so I let her borrow my books. It was the day before the last day of school, and she was still borrowing my Breaking Dawn book, and I had to go home because I was in a LOT of pain. I had totally forgotten at the time that she still had my book, but I figured I would get it the next day. Next day comes and I dont go to school because I still dont feel good. Well, I still figured that I would get it over the summer or something.
    SHE MOVES AWAY!!! And I dont get my book back. I was so sad because that book, and the whole series, was precious to me. My dad doesnt get me a lot and the fact that he bought me some really expensive gifts meant a lot to me.
    So... thats my story.

  62. I haven't read a book in years but my niece was addicted to Twilight. All she talked about was Edward, Bella and Jacob. She talked about them so much I became curious and bought the book, I was instantly addicted. By the time I read Twilight the third book had been released so I was way behind. I couldn't get enough and read all 3 books in about 2 weeks. I wouldn't sleep or eat if it cut into my reading time lol. After Twilight I started following book bloggers and they introduced me to so many amazing series like The Hunger Games and The Mortal Instruments that I was once again an a book addict.

  63. Twilight was one of the first books I read, that I fell in LOVE with. It was amazing! I used to hate reading, and Twilight changed that. My sister and I were at the bookstore, because I had to get some things for school and she was browsing in the YA Fiction center. She came back and was like "Okay, I'm getting this book." I read the back, and was like..."Really? You're going to read a vampire book??" Well, she tore through it in about 2 days. She came to me and was like YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK! Long story short, I read the book..and she wouldn't stop bothering me about it. She'd come up behind me and be like "Did you get to this part??" "Did you cry?" "Isn't Edward so cute??" lol
    I absolutely fell IN LOVE with the Twilight Saga. Turns out, I'm an even bigger fan than my sister, and she's the one who got me in to it. LOL. Stephenie Meyer's writing was impeccable! I fell in love with her story and was just as torn between Edward and Jacob as Bella was. The Twilight Saga is one of the few series that I can reread over and over and over AND OVER again! LOL
    Now every time I read a vampire book I'm sitting there comparing it to Twilight. I like how Stephenie described the vampires and werewolves the way she did. The Twilight Saga definitely changed the was I read books forever.
    Thank for this AMAZING opportunity!:D:D

  64. I read anything that isn't nailed down so having heard about Twilight from a friend that enjoyed it, I naturally had to get a copy. Fell madly in love with the characters as I read it cover to cover in a day. I pre-ordered the rest of the books and had them on my doorstep as soon as they were released. I told all my daughter's friends how great the books were and converted many non-vampire readers to lovers of the genre.

  65. Awesome contest guys!!! Here is my story...

    About 2.5 years ago I was pregnant and had a pulled muscle and was told to take it easy so I was laying on the couch dying for a book to read. So my husband offered to go grab a book for me- I told him to just buy "that Twilight book" for me, just the first one. That book changed EVERYTHING! I read it in one night, then immediately went out and got the other three (take it easy be darned, I was going to the store!)- I also got the first movie and the soundtrack. I was hooked. I read all 4 books in about 4 days, then started over again. I scoured the internet for more. I read Midnight Sun and still wanted more. So I joined the greatest group ever, TwilightMOMS. There were all these other people just like me! It was amazing.

    Once there I joined the Book of the Monthers, chatted with some of the greatest ladies ever and eventually took the advice of a great TM Lauralee and changed my career path. I quit my job and went back to school to be a librarian. 2.5 years later and I'm one semester away from graduation and becoming a school librarian where I will get to share great books with my students.

    All of that because of a great book by Stephenie Meyer. Changed my whole life. :)

  66. I don't have my own twilight story to share, since I've never read the books myself and haven't seen Breaking Dawn 1 yet either, but I would very much like to win this signed copy for a twihard friend of mine. She owns the first two books of the series, and wants the rest. She would be more than thrilled to enter here, but she has a P.O. box... If I may, please enter me to win for her. Thanks!

  67. I read the story in middle school and my mom was reluctant to read the books -period. She was like, who wants to read about sparkling vampires? But then a few months, I didn't know about it, later, and she had checked the book out of the library and now loved it even more than me! She even got tickets to the first showings of Breaking Dawn where i live and still haven't seen it. But yeah, the Twilight books were all one sitters for me!

    Kara DiDomizoi

  68. So I don't have a big experience of how I came to love Twilight. Nothing real special. But one night while renting some movies I happen to see the dvd for it when it first came out. asked guy who worked there what it was about. cause I have never heard of it before. he said it was some teenage vampire movie. so me and hubby rented it to see what it was about. and I fell in love. made hubby buy me the movie...which I would watch about 3-4 times a day. sad I know since I had a small child at home...so I pretty much was useless. *bad mommy* I borrowed the books from a friend and read thru it all in about 4-5 days. stayed up until 4:30a one night reading one of the books. latest I ever stayed up reading a book. so thats my story. had ran a myspace for twimoms at one time...but we all know myspace is lame so I started a blog for my love of reading. (which Twilight reignited that love)thats about it.

  69. I was extremely young when I first read Twilight. I was only in the fifth grade, but I fell in love with the whole series. It was truly my introduction to YA. I finished the whole series as quick as I could and felt pride in the fact that no one else in my grade had completed the whole series. Looking back on it, I think I should've waited before starting the series but still, I'm so grateful that Twilight opened the door for me to the wonderful world of YA books. :)

  70. I wasn't a Twilight fan when this all started, but somehow my life was always linked to it. My best friend read Twilight in 2006 and she always told me to read it, but I never really liked to read, so I didn't. She read all the saga and when Twilight came out in theaters she took me to the premier. I liked the movie, but didn't LOVE it. A year later, when New Moon came out, she took me to the premier again. By then I didn't even remember seeing Twilight! So I didn't understand much of the movie. However the next day another friend asked me to go with her and I was like oh well! let's see this movie again... Again I liked it, but didn't LOVE it. 2 months later was my birthday and my best friend came to me and told me "that's it! You're reading Twilight!" and gave me a box that came with the four books. Then it's when I started reading and reading and I LOVED the saga. I couldn't wait for Eclipse to come out, and I even became a better Twilight fan than her! I recently went to the midnight premier of Breaking Dawn, and I definitively LOVED it, I personally think it was perfect!

  71. Twilight is the reason I starting reading more actively. When I finished the series, I started reading more Paranormal and YA and I haven't looked back since :)

  72. Instead of July 4ing with my family outside I hid in a closet reading Breaking Dawn!

  73. I got hooked on Twilight in October 2008 when I was visiting my parents in Arizona. My dad bought Twilight for my mom on a whim for Mother's Day the previous May. They'd both read it (yup, even my dad has read the entire series). They thought it was okay; interesting enough, but a little silly. I was intrigued by the book, but wasn't sure if I'd like it. I'd heard so many good and bad things. And my only knowledge of the movie was irritation that it had pushed back the 6th Harry Potter film.

    I started Twilight Sunday afternoon. I rolled my eyes at the writing at first, but the story kept me interested. I finished the book at 9 AM on Monday morning and immediately got in the car, drove to Barnes & Noble, and bought the other 3 books. Spending $50 on books at one time is a big deal to a cheap library-girl like me. But I knew I'd die if I didn't immediately read the other three books. I finished Breaking Dawn on Thursday and immediately started re-reading the series. My parents thought I was crazy.

  74. I came to Twilight late, I totally admit it. My friend Liz was really into the books and I was just kind of not interested. Didn't see the first movie or anything. Someone I am related to manages a movie theater, and so I had a chance to take one person with me to see Eclipse right before it came out, so I took Liz. I had NO idea what I was getting into and at the end of the movie I felt like I'd been melded to my chair by the emotional impact. I read the books within the next few days and the rest is history.

    As much as I would love to own this book, I'd really love to win it for my friend Liz, who has been a Twilight fan since the very beginning and is a generally awesome person. Thanks for the chance! ;)

  75. Thank you so much for this giveaway! I love Twilight so much and have read the books over and over again!

  76. I read Twilight and New Moon all in one day and Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in separate days! I loved them so much that after that first week, I went back and reread them!

    Now every time a new movie comes out I reread every book to know exactly what should be in the movie and I can compare!!! I love these books so much. I really want to win this book for my little girl that is so in love with the series and doesn't have any copies of them herself.

    Thanks again for this amazing giveaway!!

  77. Here's my Twilight story. Me and a couple of my friends rented Twilight not really knowing what it was about. And like millions of other people we fell in love with it. We all three went out and bought the first book the next day. I literally devoured them all in a week. Since then I've went to every midnight showing and bought the movies the night that they came out.
    Twilight brought back my love for reading. Ever since I read Twilight I've been in love with the YA genre. I'll always be grateful for Twilight.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  78. So my twilight story started when I saw it on the library website where everyone was going crazy about it. So I request it to see what the spazz was about. I have to say Twilight for me started out slow, but it was something new so I kept going. When I reached New Moon, I thought that I won't be able to finish the book but thank god I read on because Eclipse and Breaking Dawn were my favourite!

    My friend and I were already in love with Robert P in Harry Potter years ago and when we found out he was going to play Edward,...we maybe had a we-are-crazy-book-chicks moment, but that's cool, no biggy. Yup Yup, the end.

  79. My twilight story began when I was pregnant. I was put on bed rest and called my mom cause I was bored. My mother decided to come over for the weekend and she brought her set of the Twilight Books. I asked her, "What's that?" She said that it a was a new series that all her student were reading, so she asked me to read them. I did need knew reading material since I had re-read Great Expectations over and over again. After she left for the weekend and got bored with my tv, I picked up the first book. Needless tosay that I read all the books in two days! I stayed up half the night reading (partialy due to the fact that my little boy kicked around all night anyways and didn't let me sleep) And so my Twilight obsession began.

  80. When the first movie came out and EVERYONE was hooked, I mean EVERYONE I was just like "whatever" I didn't really get what all the fuss was about. I mean the movie poster had a hot boy so I was planning on reading it... someday... Then I moved to junior high and one of my new friends was obsessed with Twilight so I gave it a try, after much persuation. After I read the first few chapters I was hooked so I finished the series within a week. I now own the first three books, but I borrowed Breaking Dawn from the library so i don't have my own copy. So I'm really hoping I win this giveaway to complete my collection with a SIGNED book.

    Vivian M
    vivianmah8 at hotmail dot com

  81. My friend was absolutely in love with this series. I didn't know what she was talking about, so I checked out Twilight from the library and was instantly stunned. I love the whole series, but New Moon sucks because of what Edward does ;)

  82. I was a bit late to the Twilight book party. I had Twilight but hadn't read it. Breaking Dawn had just come out, and I was hearing about it everyone. We happened to have a really bad storm, and I had no power for over a week. So, I started reading Twilight by flashlight. Devoured it. Bought New Moon immediately. Zipped through it. Grabbed both Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. By the time my power came back on, I'd read all four books. I have no willpower when it comes to books! :-)

  83. I wanted a book for a long haul flight, but didn't know what to get since I hadn't had a lot of luck choosing books. I bought Twilight because it seemed interesting and I love the cover art as well, but didn't read it on the flight. When I arrived at my destination, I kept planning to read it, but just had other things to do.
    I came across Paramore while a friends child was playing Crushcrushcrush on guitar hero. I like the song so much, I searched online for more songs and guess who was releasing the single for the movie of the book I just bought. I heard the song and started reading the book. When I got home I order the rest in the series :-)

  84. Saw the first movie before reading the series. Once I started the series, I dropped everything else I was reading until I completed these :-) I even drove over an hour to a midnight premier for the movie.

  85. I had a friend loan me Twilight before the other books were released. I immediately made my boyfriend go out and buy it for me for my birthday. I now have everything from shirts to Twilight bookends. I still can't believe how quickly this series blew-up but it certainly deserves to be known!

  86. Twilight changed my life. I can't begin to thank Stephenie for writing these books because of the amazing lifetime friends I've made because of it.
    After buying Twilight for my daughter and reading it I felt a little "crazed" over the whole thing so I joined twilightmoms.com. I have met many of the women from that site and have even traveled to Forks twice. (YOu go the first time for Twilight, but you go back for Forks.) I've also made lifetime friends in Forks and would love to retire there someday!

    I know this is late, but had to share!

  87. who won?!?!?
    i rlly wanted to win cuz i hav a secret santa n the person i hav is obsessed with twilight
