11 June 2014

Book Review: Desiccate by Bonnie Ferrante

Sphere of Vision #1
Author: Bonnie Ferrante
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: February 26th 2014
Review Source: Author

Leya Truelong has the potential to become a powerful Double Vision Mistress, if she can control her impulsiveness and temper and avoid being stripped of her gifts in a painful and debilitating ritual. But, Zandra, a devious bully, knows exactly how to rouse Leya’s anger. The girls’ battle of wits mirrors the greater conflict between the Mistresses and the renegades. Can Leya, a simple peasant girl, hold her own in a world of deception and betrayal?

You know, this was a great read. Being in the head of a fourteen-year-old girl has never felt more real. Bonnie captured all the teenage problems to a T. Everything from the nature of young friendships, the backstabbing/jealously/rivalries, insecurities, peer pressure, children/parent issues to balancing study with friends. We’ve all been there, well, I certainly have.

On top of the usual teenage drama, it’s time for Leya to be tested. They need to see if she has the vision; a great power that one can possess. Power confirmed she is whisked away to sanctuary where she’ll be taught all she needs to know by the experienced Mistresses. One problem: lack of control. Unluckily for her, she’s found herself with a bully who knows just how to push all the right buttons. Leya knows she has to keep her temper at bay or she’ll risk the wrath of being stripped of her ability, but in a world of betrayal and deceit, it’s easier said than done.

I liked how Leya starts he story as a fourteen-year-old girl, but as the story progresses, the time frame jumps. A few years, then a few more, until she’s twenty-six. It worked well with the story and was done at a pace where we didn’t miss out on anything. The description developed as Leya did, which I thought was a really nice touch. The story grew with the character.

As an ending, this book is very well-written, an enchanting read with great description. A young adult book which can be enjoyed by anybody any age and I would recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. I'm very glad you enjoyed the book. :-)
