17 June 2016

Movie Review: Disney Pixar's Finding Dory

Finding Dory
Director: Andrew Stanton, Angus MacLane
Writers: Andrew Stanton
Starring: Idris Elba, Kate McKinnon, Bill Hader
MPAA Rating: Rated PG
Official Socials: Site | FacebookTwitter | Instagram |  IMDb
U.S. Release date: June 17, 2016
Hashtag: #FindingDory #HaveYouSeenHer
The friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish reunites with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the real meaning of family along the way.

I was so happy when I was asked to go watch “Finding Dory” so I can write the review for it. I’m one of those in the “I loved Finding Nemo” club and so when they announced they were making a continuation story, I was as excited as the children were. Who doesn’t love Nemo? But, more importantly, who doesn’t love Dory?

But on to the review!

If I could describe this movie in three words, they’d be funny, cute, and sweet.

The first word I chose is funny because, well, it’s Ellen DeGeneres and she’s awesomely funny. But also because the movie has so many funny moments, most pretty much involving Dory. Her short-term memory loss is really the base of the funniest jokes of the movie because she’s just so innocent and clueless about the whole thing. They introduced a few new characters, but the more prominent one is Hank, an octopus who is, in Dory’s own words, “A little grumpy, buy actually nice and sweet inside”, and who will make you laugh until the credits end, literally. Also, Disney (well, Pixar, but allowed by Disney) is having more double meaning jokes that only the adults (or big kids, like me) will get. I have to say I couldn’t stop laughing throughout the whole movie.

Cute. Why cute you may ask? Well, because I feel this movie was cuter than the original. In this movie you get to know about Dory way more, and of her family, and her past. But, in a very Disney-like way, she makes new friends while being with old ones, teaches them lessons of believing in yourself and being nice to each other, and about how important family and friendships are in our lives. It has so many cute moments that make you go “awww” that I lost count. And the otters! They’re just so cute (you’ll get it when you see the movie).

Lastly, this movie is a very sweet one, without being cheesy. Marlin and Nemo are in it, but they’re almost background characters because the main focus is on Dory and when you see that much of Dory, you realize just how incredibly sweet and loving she is. Thanks to the innocence and sweetness of our beloved Dory, she is able to melt the hearts of many and teaches us one other very important lesson in life: be carefree and life will be brighter. It’s one of those movies that you really want your kids to learn the lesson and follow it because it teaches them to be nice, sweet, decent human beings. And that’s just sweet and a nice reminder that love, especially in these horribly dark times we are in, is way better than doubt and hate.

Overall, I recommend you to go see this movie, whether you have kids or not (I don’t and I enjoyed it thoroughly). It’s one of those “feel good movies” that will have you walking out with a smile on your face and that you will love for ever.

1 comment:

  1. My girls are so in love with this movie already. They so cant wait!
