Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Yara's pick:

(this is not the cover, just artwork by Laura herself)
Timeless #3
Pages: not determined yet
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: For Jan/Feb 2011

Synopsis: Gabriella is falling to pieces. The aftermath of the Soul Stalker’s death weighs heavily on her shoulders. Andrew tries everything he can to help her fight off the new demon inside her, the one who wants to cause chaos and commit murder. When symbols begin to ink her skin they realize there is something greater going on in Gabriella’s soul. A war. But there is another war waging in the Angelic world. Angels are being picked off one-by-one. Gabriella is faced with the dilemma of picking a side. Phantoms entice her with a new life while the Empyrean Guard offer a heavenly death. Our heroine has another idea, though. She seeks The Fallen in the Abyss. 

Shadows are Illuminated, an army is formed, and a surprise appearance by someone thought dead helps Gabriella fight the darkness inside. There can’t be shadows without light, but the two together collide in the explosive third installment of the Timeless Series.

I am a big fan of Laura's Angels! You can read the 1st chapter of Abyss HERE, Thanks to Laura. The cover is still in production. You have time to catch up and read Shadow of the Sun and Soul Stalker before Abyss comes out. 


  1. This one sounds great! I love the artwork too, very beautiful :)

  2. I haven't read this series. Thx for sharing! Hope you come by and see my WOW!

  3. I love the artwork, such a beautiful and evoking one!!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Feel free to check mine out at my place http://addictofromance.blogspot.com/


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