Blog Tour: Brightest Kind of Darkness by P. T. Michelle Review + Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on P.T. Michelle's Brightest Kind of Darkness blog tour. The tour is hosted by Refracted Light and tour schedule can be found HERE

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ABOUT P.T. MICHELLE: P.T. Michelle is author of the young adult series BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS. When P.T. isn’t writing, she can usually be found reading or taking pictures of landscapes, sunsets and anything beautiful or odd in nature.

Brightest Kind of Darkness
Brightest Kind of Darkness #1
Author: P. T. Michelle
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Supernatural
Released: June 7th 2011
Review Source: Author
Available: Amazon • Barnes & Noble

Summary: (from goodreads) Nara Collins is an average sixteen-year-old, with one exception: every night she dreams the events of the following day. Due to an incident in her past, Nara avoids using her special gift to change fate…until she dreams a future she can’t ignore.

After Nara prevents a bombing at Blue Ridge High, her ability to see the future starts to fade, while people at school are suddenly being injured at an unusually high rate.

Grappling with her diminishing powers and the need to prevent another disaster, Nara meets Ethan Harris, a mysterious loner who seems to understand her better than anyone. Ethan and Nara forge an irresistible connection, but as their relationship heats up, so do her questions about his dark past.

I don’t even know where to begin with this review. It was hard to write mostly because I wanted to spill every detail! Brightest Kind of Darkness is just an amazing story from page one. You are hooked by the tension of the opening scene and intrigued by the secret that lies behind that first phone call. The characters are relatable and not cliché. Even with the paranormal occurrences going on in the lives of Inara and Ethan you can’t help but think that their reactions to situations are genuine. The battle with their gifts/curses in such a mature way it’s almost like a natural progression for them. They deal plan and simple.

The story itself grabs you and just won’t let go. I found it difficult to put this book down and was cursing my early morning meetings for having me pick sleep over reading! Once you see where the story is heading it throws in a twist or two just to keep you on your toes. This is a reoccurring theme by the way. P.T Michelle writes an intriguing story that captures you imagination and more importantly makes you care for her characters.

Inara the girl who seems to have it all together and makes life seem so effortless and Ethan the boy who shuts the world out and would rather be an outcast then have to deal with the world. Both characters are trapped by their abilities and longing for someone to confide in. The sincerity that oozes off these two is one of the main reasons I loved this story. They care for each other and they need each other but there is no desperation in their feelings.

I don’t want to give anything away since I want everyone to have the same enjoyable experience. Let’s just say that sometimes you can’t outrun fate so it’s better to face it head on.

The Books are available on Amazon: Brightest Kind of Darkness (book 1) • Lucid (book 2)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I saw this book on Goodreads at the beginning of the year and added it to my TBR list right away. Beautiful cover and intriquing blurb. This review makes me want to read this book even more! I love it when a story pulls you in like that, making you curse the fact that you have other things to do than reading. And I'm excited to read non-cliche characters and a story with twists. Thanks for the review and the giveaway!

  2. Great review and I have added to my wish list. Both books sound like a great story to read.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  3. I really want to read this series. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Please enter me.

  4. This series sounds amazing! Thanks for hosting! Please enter me, I am not sure if I did the fan thing right - I'm fairly new to the whole facebook thing.
    Beverly @ The Wormhole

  5. I've never heard of this book before but it sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  6. I love stories that grab you and don't let go. Sounds like a book I can't pass up.

  7. These sound like a great books and love that they are a series.


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