Friday Author SPOTLIGHT!: Author Molly McAdams (Taking Chances & From Ashes)

Today we start a new friday feature on Once Upon a Twilight. Its called Friday Author SPOTLIGHT! That means every Friday, we will feature a Young Adult, New Adult or Adult Authors. These post will contain interviews, author post, book blast, fill in the blanks, ect... This is just our way to get authors noticed and out there. So we hope you enjoy and stay tuned every Friday to see who we have on. 

Today OUaT is happy to present Author Molly McAdams. Molly McAdams is the author of Taking Chances and From Ashes, both New Adult reads. 

Author Molly McAdams

About Molly: Molly McAdams grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry daughter. Her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach…which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When she’s not at work, she can be found hiding out in her bedroom surrounded by her laptop, cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm...or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

Something I have been challenged with lately is: Getting myself to stay off Facebook. And it's been an epic fail!

A super random factoid about me is: I have eighteen piercings and tattoos, but I am TERRIFIED of getting my blood drawn or an IV put in.

The last thing you would ever expect me to like (even though I secretly do) is: EARTHQUAKES! Especially if you're standing, it feels like you're surfing on land.

A song I always get stuck in my head is: Call Me Maybe…once it's in there…it is impossible to get out!

My favorite discovery as of late: Boyce Avenue...GO LISTEN!

Best cure for a bad day is: Watching a movie with Rebel Wilson in it.

My favorite thing to do on a Friday is: Curl up in bed and watch a crude-humored movie with the hubby. I know! We're wild!

Happy ever after is: A CUP-SHAKE (cupcake/shake) OR Hawk Delgado busting down my door and marrying me. Either one works.

Taking Chances: Made a lot of people ugly cry…including me.

From Ashes: Will probably always be my favorite because so much came from my life. *Shh…don't tell my other characters!*

I write because: I have these people in my head that won't stop talking to me. And it's the only thing I can do where people don't think I'm not crazy.

Purchase on Amazon: Taking Chances • From Ashes

OUaT recommends both these books if you are a fan of New Adult and Saucy love stories that might break your heart!!!!

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