Book Review: Followers by Anna Davies

Author: Anna Davies
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Horror
Released: June 24, 2014
Review Source: Point | Netgalley

To tweet or not to tweet . . . what a deadly question.

When Briana loses out on a starring role in the school's production of Hamlet, she reluctantly agrees to be the drama department's "social media director" and starts tweeting half-hearted updates. She barely has any followers, so when someone hacks her twitter account, Briana can't muster the energy to stop it. After all, tweets like "Something's rotten in the state of Denmark . . . and a body's rotting in the theater" are obviously a joke.

But then a body IS discovered in the theater: Briana's rival. Suddenly, what seemed like a prank turns deadly serious. To everyone's horror, the grisly tweets continue . . . and the body count starts to rise.

There's no other explanation; someone is live-tweeting murders on campus.

With the school in chaos and the police unable to find the culprit, it's up to Briana to unmask the psycho-tweeter before the carnage reaches Shakespearian proportions . . . or she becomes the next victim.

Let me just start by saying that the book cover alone did it for me. SOLD. Creepy right? Unfortunately the actual story and book were disappointing. I was completely not interested after a few pages. But why did I keep reading? It's a mystery! I just had to know.

Briana was an ok main character. Although, I didn't connect with her, she did have some sad parts in this book that made me feel for her. But, honestly all the characters felt like kids and not teenagers. Also, I didn't understand why everyone was so nonchalant about the deaths occurring. WHAT? That's just crazy to me..

So, I don't know about you but, when I read a mystery I want to, sure have my theories, but what I don't want is to figure out the mystery and have it be so blatantly obvious. Sorry, that is just not good mystery writing in my opinion. So overall this is a book that was held together mainly by the "ok" narrator. That cover still creeps me out though.

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