Winners Have Been Chosen in the Star Trek Writing Contest!

Congratulations to the winners of the Star Trek Writing Contest!

We are excited to announce that from hundreds of submissions to the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Writing Contest, the following authors have been selected to be published in an upcoming Star Trek anthology! 

The 10 Grand Prize Winners are:

Neil Bryant - Dilithium Is a Girl's Best Friend

Gary Piserchio & Frank Tagader - A Christmas Qarol 

Kelli Fitzpatrick - The Sunwalkers

Chris Chaplin - The Seen and Unseen 

Michael Turner - The Façade of Fate 

Nancy Debretsion - The Manhunt Pool 

Derek Tyler Attico - The Dreamer and the Dream

Roger McCoy - The Last Refuge

John Coffren - Life Among the Post-Industrial Barbarians 

Kristen McQuinn - Upon the Brink of Remembrance 

The two First Prize winners, who will each receive a free publishing package from Archway Publishing, are: 

Kerry F. Booth | James Corrigan

This has been a thrilling quest to find the most powerful stories that span the Star Trek universe. 

Live long and prosper. 

The Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Contest Team 

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