Book Review: The Protector by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas
Reading Level: Adult Fiction
Genre: Romance | Erotica
Released: September 6, 2016
Review Source: Netgalley | Forever


People think they have Camille Logan nailed: daddy's girl; beautiful, spoiled young woman with her father's bank balance to fund her lifestyle. But Camille is determined to have a life free from his strings. Out on her own, she's made mistakes, including one that found her clawing her way back after a stint in rehab and plenty of bad press. Now, after fighting so hard to be independent and happy, she finds her life threatened as a result of her father's ruthless business dealings. Caught between resentment and fear, Camille prepares herself for the measures her father will take to protect her. But nothing could prepare her for the ex-SAS sniper who crashes into her life.

Jake Sharp resides in his own personal hell. He was distracted from duty once before, and the consequences were devastating--both personally and professionally. He vowed never to let that happen again. Accepting the job of bodyguard to Camille Logan isn't the kind of distraction from his demons he should take. Women and Jake don't mix well, yet protecting the heiress seems the lesser of two evils. But Jake soon discovers that she isn't the woman she's perceived to be. She's warm, compassionate, her presence settling, and his duty to protect her soon goes deeper than a well-paid job, no matter how hard he fights it. He needs absolution. He comes to need Camille. But he knows he can't have both.

The Story:  The protector is about a strong sexy heroine, Camille Logan, being in danger due to her father's enemies.  Camille comes from a very wealthy family. With wealth, comes power; with power, comes enemies.  Camille is a very independent, determined woman so when her life is endangered and her father hires a bodyguard for her, she is extremely annoyed.  Jake Sharp is here for one thing only, to protect Camille, or so he thought.

The Likes:  I love that this book is a standalone.  Everything seems to be a series so it was refreshing change of pace for me.  I absolutely love this type of story line.  The hot, sexy body guard looking out for the beautiful heroine.  There's a little bit of a forbidden factor tied in with the danger factor added with explosive chemistry and you have a huge winner in my book.  This book had all of those things and then some.  The tension between Camille and Jake was OFF THE CHARTS.  Jodi can write the hell out of a sex scene.  I also loved the dual point of view writing style.

The Dislikes:  I wasn't able to read this in one sitting because I kept getting distracted.  This story didn't completely hold my attention the way JEM's other stories have.  That's not to say that I disliked the book, I very much enjoyed it but compared to her other books it wasn't my favorite.

The Rating:  I'm giving The Protector 4 solid stars because I thought it was a really good book.  While I don't rate it as highly as some of JEM's other books, I do recommend everyone giving this story a shot!

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