It's Monday! What are you Reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading is hosted by One Persons Journey through a world of Books. Each week we spotlight the books we are reading, planning on reading or just finished reading.

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices #1) - Yara

Currently Reading:
Intrinsical - Yara
Immortal Awakening - Jenny

What are you reading?


  1. Hope that you enjoyed reading Clockwork Angel, I so want to read, and can't wait until I get my hands on it!! Hope you have a great reading week this week!!

    Feel free to check out mine at Addicted To Romance

    Happy Reading!

  2. I just finished Clockwork Angel as well... Amazing!

    Here's what I'm reading this week:

  3. Just got my Clockwork Angel in the mail today! 100 pages in, it's already great!!


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