Stones Skipping on Water Book Review

Stones Skipping on Water
Author: Richard Taylor
Pages: 276 pgs
Reading Level: Adult

This is the first book I read written by a male Author and all I have to say is WOW. Stones skipping on water is about reincarnation and I have always had an interest in reincarnation and this book just sparked my interest to the extreme. The author explained everything in detail allowing for your imagination to soar. The way he describes each character in their past lives as well as their current lives is perfect. The dialog was perfect. It did not confuse you with the back and forth stories of each character. As soon as I started reading this book I could not put it down. Chapter after chapter opened with a surprise twist, making you want to continue reading to figure out what was happening.

The story begins with John. He is a investor who has opened a company that invents pharmaceutical drugs by scientists. Scientist Dr. Bischof is the CEO of GenePharm owned by Mr. Kincade and is the investor of Clearthought. ClearThought has been tested on animals and its on its way to be tested by humans when something goes wrong. Vanessa is a painter, who has one of her paintings being exhibited at an art gallery who is attended by Mr. Kincade. When Vanessa and Mr. Kincade meet sparks fly and Vanessa believes she has met him before. 

I will end it there before I reveal to much. Like I said each chapter in this book opens with a surprise, beginning with the first chapter! I highly recommend this book. 

Synopsis: Lust, love, envy, and murder in the mind-set of total recall: Venture capitalist John Kincaide's company has developed a memory enhancement drug called ClearThought. The inventor has overdosed on it and claims ClearThought allows him to see past lives. In one of them he claims Kincaide killed him and his lover who has reincarnated and is now involved with Kincaide. He wants her back, and revenge for what Kincaide did to him.

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