New Award: Cherry on Top Award

A Big Thank you to Ashley at Ashley's {BookShelf} for giving Once Upon a Twilight this new award.

What I have to do for the Cherry on Top Award now is:

  1. Answer the question, "If I had the chance to go back and change one thing in my life, would I and what would it be?"
  2. Pick up to 6 blogs and give them this award
  3. Thank the person who gave us this award
"If I had the chance to go back and change one thing in my life, would I and what would it be?":

I would not go back and change anything, because it would alter the life I live now meaning I might not have my amazing Husband and wonderful boys. Every step bad or good that i have taken has lead me to my Great life now. 

Oh you know maybe I would have worn a different style dress to prom, that would not change the course of my life if I change it,lol. 

Here is my list of blogs I pass on The Cherry on Top! 


  1. Thanks for the awesome Award and Congrats! I love your answer! =D

  2. Congrats! on the award.

  3. I nominated you for a award

  4. Hi!

    Just wanted to let you know that I've given you an award at my blog, for being absolutely amazing!


  5. thank you!!!
    i've given you an award as well.
    i emailed you &tweeted you.



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