Booking Through Thursday: 1/13/11

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly event hosted HERE. A Weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading.

Do you remember the first book you bought for yourself? Or the first book you checked out of the library? What was it and why did you choose it?

Yara: This was a very hard question. I believe the 1st book I checked out from the library was probably Double Love from the Sweet Valley High series by Francine Pascal. 

Jenny: The 1st book I bought was New Moon by Stephenie Meyer and I bought it because Yara highly recommended the twilight series and she had sent me a copy of Twilight. 

Ana: I bought Twilight because Jenny was driving me crazy about it at work telling me she was in love with the book. 

Trudy: I believe my 1st book purchased was called Passions Promise by Danielle Steel and I bought it because I liked the cover. 


  1. My first purchase was Baby sitters Club, don't remember 1st library.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. OMG Brandi! I remember those!! I had all of the books. I used to love them. Wow, thanks for reminding me.


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