Valentine's Day: Books with LOVE Hop coming soon

Valentine's Day: Books with LOVE Hop

Hi everyone! So we are less than a month away from the Valentine's Day Love Hop. We wanted to give you all some teases of what's to come. Here at once Upon a Twilight we will be giving over 10 books away. Most of the books have something to do with Love of course. There will be some sighed copies up for grabs too, Thanks to the Authors who will be contributing them. So are you excited?

You still have time to sign up for the Hop, if you haven't yet. Sign ups close on January 31st. There are over 100 blogs participating. Fill out the FORM if you are interested. Also any authors that would like to contribute books or swag, please contact via EMAIL. Im also looking to feature authors during the days the giveaway is taking place. So If you like also for us to feature you in a interview or some kind of guest post, you can also EMAIL.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun, i wish you well.


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