Happy Groundhog's Day!

Happy Groundhog's Day

So if you didn't watch the video or read the news yet. Punxsutawney Phil did not I repeat did not see his shadow today. So no more winter, we will supposedly have a early Spring. Yes Im sure your jumping up and down, I know I am. That means the sooner comes spring then summer right behind it. My favorite season of all. 

If you want to see the video from today's events. CLICK HERE to be taken to The Washington Post article. 


  1. Yay Phil! I can't wait until summer. It makes me smile that they have the swimsuits out in the stores now.

  2. I highly doubt this. Have you seen the weather in Texas? We're at 24 degrees. IN HOUSTON. Everybody's freezing!

  3. Gotta love the top hat formality on Gobblers Knob for Punxsutawney Phil!


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