Follow Friday: What's in a Name

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers -
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
  7. If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog! 
Question: How did you come up with your blog name? 

My blog's name actually took me a few days to think of. I wanted something to incorporate why I love reading as much as I do now. So the fact that Twilight the book sparks that flame again back in 2007, I knew it had to relate to it somehow. I was always a avid reader but then I started having kids and life sort of put books on the sideline for a bit. Then I picked up Twilight and its wasn't a spark, it was more of a torch was ignited. Since 2007 I have not had a single day where I am not reading a book or actually lately more than one book at a time. So that is how Once Upon a Twilight came to be. Make sense?


  1. I love your book name. It's one of my favorites. And, I love how you incorporate the Zephyr font in your blog name too to show that the Twilight series has to do with it.

  2. All the artistic credit goes to my blog designer, she did a great job!

  3. Hi there! I am your newest follower for the FF/hop and it would be super-awesome if you took the time to stop by mine and follow me as well!

    Thanks and I hope you're having a great day! (^_^)

  4. I love your blog name and the story behind it! New follower on the Friday Follow. Have a great weekend!

    Lori @ Romancing the Darkside

    Here's my Follow Friday

  5. Great story behind the name. I took a long break when I had my kids too, now I can't be without a book.

    Between the Bookcovers

  6. Twilight was the one that reminded me why I love so much reading and introduced me into the paranormal world.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Ooh, pretty blog! I'm a new follower. :]

    I like that you incorporated meaning behind your blog's name.

  8. Newest follower here via the Friday blog hop. I am a new contemporary romance writer and a reader of almost anything! Hope you stop by and check out my blog.


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