Once Upon a Signing: Christin from Between the Covers

Once Upon a Book Signing

Today we bring a great book signing from Christin from Between the Covers blog. She is co-owner of this blog with Louise. I've known Christin for a little while now since we both were moderator on TwilightMOMs and we live in Houston. I can't wait for us to attend Book Expo America together in May. 

Christin: I still consider myself relatively new to the book signing scene, although I have been lucky enough to attend some great events and meet some fabulous authors since moving to Houston.  Although each of these events have had their own unique and memorable moments, one signing in particular was especially different.

This past Saturday, I attended a signing with Bettina Restrepo.  Though she has published one picture book, she just made her YA debut with Illegal, a novel about a fifteen-year-old girl who emigrates from Mexico to Texas.

This signing in particular stood out to me because it felt more like a gathering of friends than an event.  The crowd was not overwhelmingly large, which meant that we were all able to talk and interact with Bettina.  She told us about the connections that Illegal has to her own life, the story of her journey to publication (including the previous titles:  Off Quitman Avenue and Mija), and reactions of various readers to this book.  During Bettina's reading, it was clear how much emotion and how much of her heart went into writing her book, which only made me want to read it all the more.

I left Blue Willow with a signed book, a ton of swag, and having met not only Bettina but also several other local authors who came to support her.  I'm looking forward to reading not only Illegal but also, from what Bettina told us of her upcoming novel, Telenovela as well!

Wow Christin this was such a touching book signing. I'm ever more bummed I didn't make it that Saturday. Thank you for sharing with us today. Now make sure to stop on by and say Hello to Christin over on her blog. Check out all the author interviews they have posted on their blog HERE.

If you would like for your book signing to be featured on the blog, then send me a EMAIL with 1-3 pictures and a blurb.  


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