Reading Nook of the Week: Casey from Dark Readers

Reading Nook of the Week

We welcome back today Casey from Dark Readers blog. She visted last week for Once Upon a Signing. Casey brings us a great picture and all the way from the U.K.

Casey: Reading place: When I was younger I use to pass here in the car on the way to school and wish I could actually hang out there. But I couldn't really because I was pretty young. But when I was old enough to go places by myself I use to come here with my friends. Its a beautiful place with a fountain facing Canary Whaf (Canary Whaf is the biggest building In London) I love reading here because its so peaceful and for some reason I love the sound of running water or rain when I read. Its so relaxing :)

What a great spot, I'm jealous. Listening to the fountain would make me happy as well. Thanks for sharing your spot with us today. Make sure you all stop by Dark Readers and say hello. Casey right now is participating in a few book tours.   

If you would like to your reading nook to be featured on the blog, then send me a EMAIL with pictures and a blurb. 


  1. OMG looks like this place in NYC that I used to go and sit just to listen to the water lol.


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