Book Review: Invincible Summer (ARC)

Invincible Summer (ARC)
Author: Hannah Moskowitz
Pages: 288 pgs
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: April 19th 2011
Review Source: Simon & Schuster
Available: Simon Pulse

Summary: (from goodreads) Noah’s happier than I’ve seen him in months. So I’d be an awful brother to get in the way of that. It’s not like I have some relationship with Melinda. It was just a kiss. Am I going to ruin Noah’s happiness because of a kiss? 

Across four sun-kissed, drama-drenched summers at his family’s beach house, Chase is falling in love, falling in lust, and trying to keep his life from falling apart. But some girls are addictive.... 

Not your typical beach read.

What a perfect summer read, I can totally see myself reading this book at the beach. Its true its not your typical beach read but I'm never really a person that always inside the box. This was my 1st book that I read from Hannah and it will not be my last. The book carried such a powerhouse of a story that you feel every joyful moment and every heart break as well. The way Hannah wrote Invincible Summer is very to the point no beating around the bush, this is how, why and when it happen. She doesn't sugar coat anything, this is why it feels so real while your reading it. She also does a great job writing in a male POV, that's not something easy to do. What I think I really liked was that Hannah wrote only about the summers spent at the beach house and not the full year with the family. So if you are looking for a bizarre and raw read then pick this book up now. 

Chase is part of a big family. They are 5 siblings in total. His family every summer head down to their beach house to stay for a few weeks. The siblings are Noah, the oldest brother then Claudia younger than Chase but don't tell her that, then Gideon who is deaf and a hand full and last but not least Lucy known as Newbaby, she was born while staying at the beach house. Lets just say they sound like a very functional family but they are not. Noah likes to disappear from time to time. Claudia wants to be the grown up she is not yet. Gideon is young but hasn't learn proper ASL yet and that causes issues with the family understand him. Then Newbaby she is great really since she so young. So Chase is that sibling that takes every issues or event on his shoulders. He very selfless but would love to change that. Each character is very well developed. This story will follow this family for a few summers while at the beach house and you will see all the problems and issues they have to overcome. Will they be able to pull through as one? Pick up this great book come April 19th.


  1. Thanks for reviewing this! I've seen it around and have to admit that the cover has really turned me off. However, I like the idea of the siblings and their different issues. I am especially interested in the brother Gideon, as I have a younger brother who is Deaf but for various reasons didn't learn Sign Language until he was 11. This is definitely going on my TBR list.

  2. l really enjoyed this too, l found it so powerful!
    I loved it the more l read it. Glad you liked it too =)

  3. I am really enjoying male POV books recently so I'm looking forward to reading it.

  4. Great review! You just helped me possibly win a prize :)


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