Book Review: Sixteenth Summer (ARC)

Sixteenth Summer (ARC)
Author: Michelle Dalton
Pages: 320 pgs
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: May 3rd 2011
Review Source: Simon & Schuster
Available: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Borders

Summary: (from goodreads) Anna is dreading another tourist-filled summer on Dune Island that follows the same routine: beach, ice cream, friends, repeat. That is, until she locks eyes with Will, the gorgeous and sweet guy visiting from New York. Soon, her summer is filled with flirtatious fun as Anna falls head over heels in love.

But with every perfect afternoon, sweet kiss, and walk on the beach, Anna can’t ignore that the days are quickly growing shorter, and Will has to leave at the end of August. Anna’s never felt anything like this before, but when forever isn’t even a possibility, one summer doesn’t feel worth the promise of her heart breaking….

Im starting to see a trend with books that have Summer in their titles. They are all great reads so far. When I was reading this book, the song from Grease kept popping in my head that John Travolta sings called Summer Nights. This book is perfect to have with you while you are down at the beach in the sand drinking a nice cold drink. Michelle gives us a sweet romance read here. She gives us those summer's first kisses and walks in the sand. Now with any first love you tend to shed some tears usually but nothing your hearts cant handle. The story is very believable, so pick this one up and save it for when you head down to the beach or lake. 

You meet Anna and she lives on Dune Island with her family. She does what every girl that age does, hang out with her best-friends. Anna has decided she doesn't like any of the local boys and pretty much ignores them. So what happen when Anna sees and meet Will, the boy who is from New York and he is here visiting with his family for the summer only. Well you will have to read and find out if their relationship will be just a summer fling or more. Now you might want to have some Ice cream handy because the mentions of the flavors while you read will make your appetite crave some. 


  1. This book looks really good and I loved your review on it! I will definitely be checking this book out. It looks like a book that both my daughter and I would both love to read.

    Thanks for posting the review and I love your blog.


  2. As soon as the sun is shining I also love titles with summer or some hint of summer in the cover design :)


  3. I just adored this story! The love connection was great!

  4. I am dying to read this book. Without Lisa now, my pile has grown though and I don't think I will get to it in time lol.

    Love your review!

  5. I can't wait to start on this book. It sounds like just the thing I need to read at the moment. :) Thanks for sharing!


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