Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop Winners

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop Winners

What a great turn out for this hop. A big Thank you to Kathy from I Am Reader, Not A Writer, to all the blogs and authors who took part and of course to all the followers who entered. I loved reading every single comment left here or on twitter. Thanks! 

And now the winners are...

Harry Potter Giveaway: Elisquared (FL)

YA Prize: Valia (AZ)

Adult prize: Penelope (UT)

International Prize: Louisa (Canada)

Children's Prize: Cheryl (MA)

Swag Prize (5 winners): Kelly W (FL)
                                       Ashley B (OH)
                                       Memrie (MS)
                                       Sandra (CT)
                                       Mendy (CA)

Congrats to all the winners and Thank you for entering. We hope you stay and enjoy what the blog brings to you everyday. 


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