Once Upon a Twilight has been nominated for #BBTC

Hey Guys! We were nominated for 2 categories in the #BBTC Awards. The nominations we got are for Best Group Blog and Best Overall Blog. We are thrilled and honored just for getting these nominations. So a BIG Thank You and tackle-hug to those that nominated us. 

If you like to vote for us in either/both categories here are the links:

Vote for us in Best Group Blog: http://www.bookish-brunette.com/bbtc-vote-best-group-blog/

Vote for us in Best Overall Group: http://www.bookish-brunette.com/vote-best-overall-blog-2012/

Than you to anyone who votes for us, we are thrilled just being nominated and we are in great company with other blogs. 

(that's our THANK YOU dance)

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