Blog Tour: THE ETERNITY CURE: Vampire vs. Human + Giveaway

Welcome to our stop during Julie Kagawa's The Eternity Cure blog tour. The Eternity Cure is book 2 in The Blood of Eden series. We are very excited to be apart of this tour. This is one series we recommend highly to everyone.

In this blog tour things are a little different. Everyone participating in the tour was given a post idea and we then had to create our own post. The theme of the tour is Vampire vs. Human. 

OUaT's assigned post is:
What are the Dangers of being Human in the Blood of Eden World....or what might be the Advantages?
In the Blood of Eden world is there really a advantage in being Human? When the majority of the world is Vampires, how can being their food supply really be in favor to a human. I honestly can't think of one good reason why I would say I rather stay human given the choice. You live your life in hiding if you are not registered. If you are registered you still live a life of being a vampire's personal blood bank. You are the cow to them. When they need milk they come and drink. That too me doesn't sound exciting or worth-wild. Then if you are not a registered, comes the constant looking over your shoulders. You have to live in the worst condition, go days without a decent meal or even water. Does any of that sound like an advantage to you yet?

I would assume if you are reading this, you are shaking your head no. Of course worrying about
surviving as a human doesn't end there. Since you are living as a unregistered in the fringe, you also run the major risk of running into Rabids when you cross the boundaries in search of food or supplies. Where is peace in any of that?

Well as a human there is a place known as Eden. If you find it and make it there alive, then maybe just maybe you start to see an advantage. This Eden you hear of, is a colony of humans living well guarded and freely. They are well hidden from any Vampire cities. If you are a human and are able to live in Eden, then you are one of the lucky ones. Otherwise I say to live in this world I would risk being turned into a Vampire even if I might become a Rabid. Be the milk drinker and not the cow!!!

So lesson of this story, if you exist in The Blood of Eden world and are a human, you need to risk getting tuned into a Vampire. Now if you are friends or know Allison or Zeke, then maybe just maybe sticking with them, you might find Eden and can live a semi decent life as a human.

Purchase via: Amazon • Barnes & NobleIndieBound
Read 1st Chapter from The Eternity Cure HERE
Release Date: April 30th 2013

Purchase via: Amazon • Barnes & NobleIndieBound
Read 1st Chapter from The Immortal Rules HERE

Follow Julie Kagawa via: WebBlogGoodreadsFacebookTwitter

About Julie Kagawa

Julie Kagawa was born in Sacramento, California. But nothing exciting really happened to her there. So, at the age of nine she and her family moved to Hawaii, which she soon discovered was inhabited by large carnivorous insects, colonies of house geckos and frequent hurricanes. She spent much of her time in the ocean, when she wasn’t getting chased out of it by reef sharks, jellyfish and the odd eel.

To pay the rent, Julie worked in different bookstores over the years, but discovered the managers frowned upon her reading the books she was supposed to be shelving. So she turned to her other passion: training animals. She worked as a professional dog trainer for several years, dodging Chihuahua bites and overly enthusiastic Labradors, until her first book sold and she stopped training to write full-time.

Julie now lives in Louisville, Kentucky, where the frequency of shark attacks are at an all-time low. She lives with her husband, two obnoxious cats, one Australian shepherd who is too smart for his own good and the latest addition, a hyperactive Papillon puppy.

The Tour Schedule

Monday, April 1st – Page Turners
Tuesday, April 2nd – Fiktshun
Wednesday, April 3rd – Katie’s Book Blog
Thursday, April 4th – Once Upon Twilight (that's us)
Friday, April 5th – Supernatural Snark

Monday, April 8th – The Book Cellar
Tuesday, April 9th – Parajunkee
Wednesday, April 10th – Good Choice Reading
Thursday, April 11th – YA Book Central
Friday, April 12th – Refracted Light Reviews

Monday, April 15th – Reading Teen
Tuesday, April 16th – Ticket To Anywhere
Wednesday, April 17th – Mundie Moms
Thursday, April 18th – I Love Teen Books
Friday, April 19th – Grave Tells

Be sure to stop by Kismet Book Touring’s THE ETERNITY CURE page for more details.

Contest Info: We are giving away the choice of The Immortal Rules or The Eternity Cure to one lucky winner. 

The second Giveaway is a Blood of Eden inspired Travel Package including: A beautiful handmade Leather Travel Journal, handmade pencils, a copy of The Immortal Rules and The Eternity Cure and a vintage Leather messenger bag “Alison Style”. Entries into the daily giveaway will also count toward the grand prize give-away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think I'd still rather be human than vampire even with all the disadvantages listed...Allie in the beginning of The Immortal Rules has a very similar mindset to me.

  2. ahhhh I think probably team vampire... I mean, they are in control of just about everything! LOL though there are still some benefits to being human! Tough question!

    Love this series so much! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Team Vampire.
    Jackal and Kanin are enough<3

  4. I have to go with team human. Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. Go Team Vampire!

  6. Team Vampire... just because I can.

  7. I am finniky!(sp) I don't know.

  8. I love to root for the underdog. Team human all they way! :)

  9. Team Human
    Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  10. I'm definitely Team Human because I already am one. (I could become a vampire, I suppose, but I'd miss the sun too much!)

  11. I haven't read this series yet but I'm guessing I'd be Team Vampire! Thanks!

  12. I have not read the series yet, so at this time I choose Team Human.

  13. Team Vampire since this is what Alison is now and she is such a great and strong heroine. Love her!

  14. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    DEFINITELY Team Vampire!! With Kanin as a friend along with Allie and Zeke:)

    Thank you:)

  15. Team Vampire. OMNOMNOMNOM humans! :P

  16. Team Vampire! I haven't read this series yet but I choose Team Vampire. :)

  17. Team human, until we are all wiped out.

  18. No matter what, I am always Team Vampire!

  19. Team Human unless I had no other choice

  20. I can't honestly answer that question because I have not yet read The Immortal Rules. I know, something is wrong with me. I will rectify that shortly!

  21. Team Vampire! But Zeke is defently a little hottie! THANKS 4 THE GIVEAWAY! I'M DYING TO READ THIS BOOK!

  22. I'm Team Human. Although being a vampire would be super cool, I don't think I could deal with Vampire pressures.

  23. Team Human! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  24. Depends on the world I'm living in! In general, Team Vampire! lol

  25. Team Vampire!! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. In this world it is Team Vampire. Allie, Kanin, and even Sarren are too fascinating!

  27. Team Human!! <33 Even though vampyres are still pretty cool (; <3

  28. I personally am unable to pick a side, I have yet to read this series. Can't wait to start though!!

  29. No judgement but team Vamp, you guys are alittle tooo,.. stuck in the past i guess. Why can't we all just get along! Like in Daybreakers...but i'm team Vamp doesn't matter anyway :P


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