Life After Theft #1
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Reading Level: YA
Genre: Paranormal/Ghost
Released: April 30th 2013
Review Source: HarperTeen
Available: Amazon

Summary: (from goodreads) Moving to a new high school sucks. Especially a rich-kid private school. With uniforms. But nothing is worse than finding out the first girl you meet is dead. And a klepto.
No one can see or hear Kimberlee except Jeff, so--in hopes of bringing an end to the snarkiest haunting in history--he agrees to help her complete her "unfinished business." But when the enmity between Kimberlee and Jeff's new crush, Sera, manages to continue posthumously, Jeff wonders if he's made the right choice.
Clash meets sass in this uproarious modern-day retelling of Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Edgy and humorous storytelling fills this trendy new novel, is sure to peak the interest of many readers. From bestselling author Aprilynne Pike comes a book that puts a fresh twist in the paranormal genre. With intriguing characters who convey emotions clearly and grow, the plot truly thickens to create a well rounded storyline. Add to the witty dialect between characters and your have a book that will become popular quickly with the masses of young adult readers.
To start us off in the sneak peek of the book we find Kimberlee, a sassy teenage girl who just happens to be a ghost. Left on earth with some unfinished business, Kimberlee haunts the halls of her old high school with no one to turn to. Till one day a guy named Jeff arrives and changes everything. Kimberlee and Jeff charge forward to allow Kimberlee peace in the world, but that comes with some implications as both have serious drama to deal with. Throughout the novel though these two, along with other characters really develop in front of the reader. With roller coaster twists and turns of emotions, Pike's Life After Theft is the perfect book to read at the beach or anywhere while you are on summer vacation.
I agree that this is a fun summer read-it moves so fast!