Cover Reveal: Sublime by Christina Lauren

If you follow this site then you know we are HUGE fans of Christina Lauren so when we saw the new cover to their next novel we were ecstatic. 


Want to know what else was exciting to discover, the new book will be YA! 

Authors: Christina Lauren (Christina Hobbs & Lauren Billings)
Reading Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Simon & Schuster for Young Readers
Expected Release Date: Fall 2014

Sublime is the story of two teens, Lucy and Colin, who fall in love, but the the problem is … Lucy’s a ghost.
Slowly, she begins to remember more about her life and death as daredevil Colin take himself to the edge of death, where their realities overlap, so he can be physically closer to Lucy.

Lucy starts to wonder if she’s Colin’s salvation or the means of his demise.

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