A Mid Week Moment with Deitre

So I’m really feeling the need to write tonight.  Summer is upon us.  Our kids are out of school.  Staying at home, having  fun.  Or out and about at a summer camp that we signed them up for.  Reading a book is on the to do list.  For many of us simply for pleasure or a required summer reading assignment, like Lord of the Flies.  (I’m currently listening to the audio).  All in all, summer is here.  We will embrace it.  We will enjoy it (even on our days off from work).  We will read until there are no more books left on the shelf to read.  Speaking of no more books left on a shelf.  Let’s try no more space left on my book shelf.  It’s time to do some summer organizing.  I’m staring at several awesome titles that I have double of, that I need to pass on to some eager reader. Big thanks to OUaT for their guidance and  thanks to all of you for the support that you have showed A Leisure Moment and our Podcast over the last 6 months of existence.  This giveaway is for you!

Have you checked out our Casual Conversation with Stacey O'Neale?


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  1. Replies
    1. Sorry this one is not due to the cost of shipping. However, there are several giveaways going live now that are for ecopies, which are. Thank you for visiting OUaT and ALM


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