Book Review: The New Guy (and Other Senior Year Distractions) by Amy Spalding

The New Guy (and Other Senior Year Distractions)
Author: Amy Spalding
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: April 5th 2016
Review Source: Poppy


A ridiculously cute, formerly-famous new guy dropping into your life? It's practically every girl's dream.

But not Jules McCallister-Morgan's.

I realize that on paper I look like your standard type-A, neurotic, overachiever. And maybe I am. But I didn't get to be the editor of my school's long-revered newspaper by just showing up*. I have one main goal for my senior year-early acceptance into my first choice Ivy League college-and I will not be deterred by best friends, moms who think I could stand to "live a little," or boys.

At least, that was the plan before I knew about Alex Powell**.

And before Alex Powell betrayed me***.

I know what you're thinking: Calm down, Jules. But you don't understand. This stuff matters. This is my life. And I'm not going down without a fight.

Although The New Guy is not amazing, if you may say, it has it's perks. For instance, Alex. He's the new guy and he's a former well-known boy band. Oh yes, he is adorable.... and he's swoon-worthy. The way he was introduced was very interesting and left our main character speechless. Which is something Jules is not known for. She is the overachiever, well rounded girl that loves her position at the newspaper. Jules is not perfect but when her mind is set on something, she goes for it. Which is something I did admired. She loves to be in control and when she meets Alex, her life is not the same.

The New Guy is short and sweet. A story of two individuals in high school falling in love even in a sea of conflicts.

There were times this story felt so real, others not so much. I guess Jules was a little of a pusher over with no reasoning? She had her moments... In addition, this story has more dialogues then action-y scenes. I do have to admit, I laughed here and there with Jules' inner dialogue. One thing I did not like about this story is the pace. It was a bit too slow for my taste. I think it was all that dialogue?

Overall, the story was short, sweet and overall cute. Anyone looking for a rom-con read, then they should read this.

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