It Started with a Dare Book Review

It Started with a Dare
Author: Lindsay Faith Rech
Pages: 312
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: September 13, 2010

My Stars: 4 stars

This book took me back to High School, that's what I enjoyed the most out of it. The story has so much humor in it, keeps you laughing. I will say this one warning the book is PG-13, you get tons of profanity and certain subjects matters that deal with sex, drinking and drug use. I also think this will appeal to girls not so much the boys. Well in the Story you have CG who is changing school where she was not one of the popular girls and her plans are to start the new school doing whatever it takes to become one of the popular girls. It gets to the point where she has fed so many lies, she starts forgetting some until it all falls apart. The author writing is great and makes this book a easy read, go out and get it when it hits the bookstores.

Synopsis: Self-proclaimed nobody CG Silverman sees her move to an upscale new school as her chance to be somebody different. Her devil-may-care attitude attracts the in-clique, and before CG realizes it, a routine game of truth or dare launches her to iconic status.
While this rebel image helps secure CG’s newfound popularity, it also propels her through a maze of unprecedented chaos, with each new lie and every dare opening doors that, in most cases, were better off left shut.
CG is on a collision course with disaster. Will she be able to keep up the façade? Or will the whole world find out she’s a fraud?

Thank you again to Net Galley and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


  1. I know the author personally, she put a lot of heart and it took her awhile to get this, her third book published. I can't wait to read it!


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