Book Review: The Keeping

The Keeping
The Law of the Lycans #2
Author: Nicky Charles
Pages: 379 pgs
Reading Level: Adult
Published: July 2010
Review Source: iBooks

“The Keeping” by Nicky Charles is book two of the series, and can I say WOW!!! She’s an incredible writer and these books are free!!! They are amazing!!! I was enveloped in the story from the very beginning. It just got better and better and I just couldn’t stop reading. It wraps you up with the stories of each character and how they evolve to becoming mates and how it all comes about. These stories almost remind me of “The Black Dagger Brotherhood” but instead of Vampires it’s Werewolves. I loved the way she ended “The Mating” and flowed smoothly into “The Keeping” keeping everything original and adding new things and places and it’s just an amazing read. I enjoyed reading every bit of it and can not wait until the third installment comes out named “The Finding” I will definitely be picking that one up as soon as it’s released. I highly recommend this story especially if you’re a fanatic of “The Black Dagger Brotherhood”.
Melody is a free lance journalist student who has been contacted by a very wealthy man Mr. Greyson and his attorney Mr. Aldrich to research an artist named Ryne Taylor who painted a unique picture of a wolf. Once she finally figures out where Ryne’s home is she quickly packs her bags and heads that way. As soon as she arrives to the small town where Ryne lives, she quickly begins questioning people for the location of his home and about him. What she doesn’t know is that Ryne lives for his privacy and does not allow anyone to interfere with it. While attempting to retrieve an interview from Mr. Taylor sparks begin to fly between the two, but quickly dissolves as Ryne needs to keep “The Keeping” a secret.
It’s Passionate, Erotic, Suspenseful, and keeps you on the edge of your toes. There’s also a little secret person from the past!!! that I couldn’t believe was back!!! I can’t wait to pick up the third book!

Summary: (from goodreads) 
Ryne Taylor was a sexy bad-ass Alpha set on establishing a new pack. Melody Greene was a journalism student researching his work as a photographer—or so she said. But could Mel really be trusted or had she stumbled upon his secret? And if she knew, could Ryne save himself and the pack he’d left behind without enacting a deadly ancient law known as The Keeping? A novel of paranormal romantic suspense. Sequel to The Mating.

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