Once Upon a Signing: Stephanie from Stephanie, A History

Once Upon a Book Signing

Today I'm happy to welcome to the blog Stephanie from Stephanie, A History blog. I've known Stephanie now a couple of years and love to share my friend's stories. 

Stephanie: My most memorable book signing is when I got to meet Suzanne Collins last year at TLA in San Antonio.  I live in Austin, so San Antonio is about an hour and a half away from me. She was only signing 200 books because she has Carpel Tunnel so they were handing out wristbands, first come first serve, at 9:00 AM.  I got up at 4:30 and was on the road by 5:00.  After a pit stop for a Red Bull I made it to San Antonio at around 6:30, I was expecting to be first in line but there were three people in line already!  The doors opened at 9:00 and it was a mad dash (literally) to get your wristband.  This experience taught me two things, Number 1: I am out of shape. Number 2: Librarians can run! Even though I was third in line, I was person 20 something by the time we had to run through the exhibit hall to get to the booth.  Her signing was fast and I didn't get to talk to her too much, but I thanked her for coming and she was very nice. She also had an amazing Mockingjay necklace! It's definitely a book signing I will never forget! 

Well Stephanie, I'm so glad you made it and were at the front of the line. I'm sure Librarians are in good shape because of being on their feet all day long and carrying heavy books. I have yet to meet Suzanne Collins and would love to one day. Thanks for sharing with us today. If you click on Suzanne Collins name in Stephanie description, you can read her full post on that day and make sure you say Hello. 

If you would like to your book signing to be featured on the blog, then send me a EMAIL with pictures and a blurb. 

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