Cover Revealed: All You Desire

Eternal Ones #2
Reading Level: YA
Release Date: August 9th 2011
Publisher: Razorbill

Here you have the next cover in the series Eternal Ones. The cover has similar qualities to the first book. This one though gives you a actual person inside the circle. 

Summary: (from goodreads) Haven Moore and Iain Morrow have been living a blissful life in Rome, an ocean way from the Ouroboros Society and its diabolical leader. But paradise is not to last. The mysterious disappearance of Haven's best friend, Beau, sends the pair running back to New York, where they encounter the Horae, an underground group of women who have spent centuries scheming to destroy Adam Rosier. Only they can help Haven uncover the secret to Beau's whereabouts in one of her past lives. But their help comes at a price: Haven must infiltrate the Ouroboros Society, charm Adam Rosier, and lure him into a trap. It's a plan the Horae believe will save the world-but Haven and Iain fear that it may destroy the happiness they've been chasing for two thousand years.


  1. Ooh, I love how the blue looks with the red flowers. I still need to read the first one in the series. Thanks for sharing!

  2. The cover is similar to the first book which I like. Hopefully this book is better than the first one.

  3. I've seen this cover and new Eternal Ones cover and they're both phenomenal! Loved the book, so I can't wait for the sequel :)


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