Blog Tour: Interview with L.A. Weatherly author of Angel Burn

Today we are happy to bring you a great interview on the blog tour for Angel Burn. L.A. Weatherly, author of Angel Burn answered some questions for you all that we hope you enjoy reading. 

L.A. Weatherly's Links:

Welcome L.A.,

OUaT: Was writing Willow's part easy or hard for you?

I love Willow as a character, but for some reason I didn't find her voice as easy as Alex's to write - Alex's voice comes totally naturally to me, but when I'm writing Willow I have to sometimes concentrate a little more and make sure I'm firmly in the 'Willow-zone'. Weirdly, the character whose voice I find the easiest of all to write is Raziel. I have a lot of fun with him, and in fact have to make sure that I don't have TOO much fun. With Angel Burn, I went back and cut about half the humor from his sequences, as I don't think that readers should actually like him that much!

OUaT: Describe the Angels in your book to us in 5 words.

Beautiful, mesmerizing, powerful, sexy, deadly

OUaT: I think its great that you didn't write Willow as your stereo typical girl, what made you choose her love for mechanics?

Thank you! But you know what, I didn't choose that - Willow did! When I first starting writing the first chapter, suddenly she was just repairing her friend's car, and I had nothing to do with it. I left it in, though (sometimes you have to be careful with that kind of thing, as it can lead you down paths that have nothing to do with the story), and am really glad I did. It gives us an immediate sense of her as a girl who's not helpless and can take care of herself. Also, when I found out the backstory of WHY she enjoys fixing engines, I just loved it - it makes so much sense, I think it really fleshes her out as a character.

OUaT: Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?

I'm HUGELY enjoying YA paranormal romance, and want to stay here! I already have an idea of what I want to do after the Angel trilogy.

OUaT: What is your guilty pleasure?

Chocolate. Dark, dark chocolate. Preferably with cherries. Mmm.

OUaT: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it?

I couldn't think of anything so I asked my (English!) husband this question, and he said, "Tales of a Mad, Obsessed Woman", so let's go with that. (I won't comment on the state of my marriage.) ;)

OUaT: Do you have any quirks or habits you have to do while writing?

Um...not really. But I like to get up early to write, if that counts; I love writing when the world is asleep. And also like my desk to be clutter-free. Usually I write a particular number of words a day (I try to do at least 2,000 daily), and tend to edit a lot as I go. I can't continue with a draft if I KNOW something isn't right about it, so I spend a lot of time fiddling with structure before I even get to the end. Plus panicking! Panicking is good.

OUaT: Do you have a favorite quote, you can share with us?

Carpe Diem - Sieze the Day! (Of course, I usually spend the day hanging around in my jim-jams and playing on Twitter, but the sentiment is there.)

OUaT: Are there any authors (living or deceased) that you would name as influences?

Barbara Wersba, S. E. Hinton, Lloyd Alexander, Stephen King

OUaT: How can a reader contact you, or purchase your books?

I'm on Twitter a lot - readers can always drop me a line there; my name is LA_Weatherly. And you can purchase my books on Amazon, or in bookstores.

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