Blogger Confidential by Emily's Reading Room

Today Emily's Reading Room kick-off her Blogger Confidential series. She has included 11 blogs including OUaT to participate. The series will consist of 12 questions asked to each of us and she will be posting them individually each question in a series of post. Today she started off by a introductory post with all the blogs taking part. 

So hop on over there and check us out and we hope you follow the series of questions. 

Here is Emily's description: Have you ever been faced with an issue while reading or blogging and thought: I wonder what other bloggers think about this? No matter what genre or audience you blog for, we all face the same problems. Are you a publisher or author wondering what goes on in a blogger's (and by extension a reader's) head?

Blogger confidential is a series of 12 questions asked to 11 bloggers about the nitty gritty details of blogging. Everything from what prompts a blogger to pick up a book, to what happens when a book doesn't live up to its hype. This series was inspired by Wastepaper Prose's Author Insight series.

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