Top Ten Tuesday: 8/2/11 - Top Ten Trends I'd Like To See More/Less Of

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment

Top Ten Trends I'd Like To See More/Less Of

Our Answers:
  • MORE Dystopian - This genre in YA has just been full of thrilling book and has introduced me to a few new authors. These types of books are so great they can all pretty much be made into a movie. - Yara
  • LESS Mean Girls Trend - I'm really tired of picking up a new book and once again having to read about the Mean Girl Type girl in the book bullying again. - Yara 
  • LESS Twilight Comparisons - I understand Twilight was a cash cow but don't think because you try and write a book similar to it or design a cover similar to Twilight that you will have the same success. - Yara 
  • MORE Vampires - One trend I can not live without are VAMPIRES! Yum.. I can’t believe how many stories are out now-a-days involving vampires in all these different scenarios. If I can I would love to grab each and every book out there that has a vampire in it and read them all. But unfortunately I can’t, so that’s one trend I’d like to see more of. - Jenny
  • MORE Greek Mythology - If a book has anything relating to Greek Mythology I'm going to read it. Its fascinating how the authors take the history and make it new with their fascinating stories. Example of a book Starcrossed or Touch of Frost - Yara 
  • MORE Strong Heroines - My mom raised me to be independent, and I want to see more girls written that can take care of themselves. That she doesn't depend off every thing the boy does or say to her. - Yara 
  • LESS Love Triangles - A few are OK, but every story can't have one. It gets a bit tiring. I love how Lisa Desrochers wrote her triangle out in Personal Demons series, she kept it exciting. If they can be written in a new and fresh approach fine, but otherwise leave out the triangle. - Yara 
  • MORE Alternating POV - This is the best way to connect with the characters in the book. Your able to get inside their heads. - Yara 
  • LESS Cheesy Romance Book Covers - Every cover does not have to have the shirtless guy and the woman with her clothes coming off. - Yara 
  • MORE Author Conversions - I would love to see more authors writing either YA if they are known for Adult or vice verse write Adult if they write YA. - Yara 
So what do you think of the choices we have? 


  1. I'm loving books right now that have alternating POV. I like hearing both sides and knowing both reactions to situations.

  2. I agree with MORE DYSTOPIANS!!

  3. I picked author conversion too! I think it's awesome that more authors want to dabble in different scenes and bring their fan bases with them.

    Here's my Top Ten:

  4. I completely agree with more mythology. I loved Everneath by Brodi Ashton and look forward to more in that genre.

  5. I agree with a lot of things you've said. I personally would love a lot less vampires and more others things.

  6. Love your lists! But I have to say...I'm getting tired of Vampires.

  7. Great list. I completely agree about the cheesy covers.
    Here's my Top Ten

  8. Dystopian Love!! :) I'm getting a bit tired of the vampire trend though.

    Great post!

    Sarah (Inklings Read)


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