Blog Tour: Racing the Sun by Karina Halle | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the exciting Racing the Sun tour for Karina Halle!

Racing the Sun
Author: Karina Halle
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: July 28, 2015
Review Source: Atria Books

It’s time for twenty-four-year-old Amber MacLean to face the music. After a frivolous six months of backpacking through New Zealand, Australia, and Southeast Asia, she finds herself broke on the Mediterranean without enough money for a plane ticket home to California. There are worse places to be stuck than the gorgeous coastline of southern Italy, but the only job she manages to secure involves teaching English to two of the brattiest children she’s ever met.

It doesn’t help that the children are under the care of their brooding older brother, Italian ex-motorcycle racer Desiderio Larosa. Darkly handsome and oh-so-mysterious, Derio tests Amber’s patience and will at every turn—not to mention her hormones.

But when her position as teacher turns into one as full-time nanny at the crumbling old villa, Amber finds herself growing closer to the enigmatic recluse and soon has to choose between the safety of her life back in the States and the uncertainty of Derio’s closely guarded heart.

Amber has just finished her backpacking adventure through New Zealand, Australia, and Southeast Asia. But, now she finds herself out of money to put her on a plane to get back home to California. Desperate, she answers a job ad and agrees to teach two children English in Italy. The problem? Apart from bratty children, there's their brooding older brother…

Halle has done it again. Everyone who knows me knows how in love I am with Italy, italians, their culture, THEIR FOOD, their beauty and so on and so on. So to have this book set in Italy with an italian hottie, oh boy! *fans self* Karina Halle got to me good through Racing the Sun. Nonetheless I had high expectations for this book. And  high expectations were met.

Amber finds herself in a sticky situation with the whole "broke" thing. She goes from teaching two bratty kids to being their full time nanny. Then there's Derio. She has to be careful around him. One, because the attraction to him is intense, and two because she can't find a good read on him. Watching her relationship grow with the kids is adorable. Watching her relationship grow with Derio is HOT.

Racing the Sun was the perfect recipe of awesome and relatable female lead, intense and hot male love interest, and the perfect setting. What more do you need while reading and being transported through Italy. Halle takes you on this adventure and you don't want to leave.

Karina Halle is the New York Times bestselling author of Where Sea Meets Sky, The Pact, Love in English, and other wild and romantic reads. A former travel writer and music journalist, she lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her husband and her rescue pup, where she drinks a lot of wine, hikes a lot of trails, and devours a lot of books.

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