.@ThePowerRangers Q&A with @iambeckyg & @rj_cyler!

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We had the awesome opportunity to attend a Q&A with some of the cast of Power Rangers on Monday and boy are we extra excited for the film! RJ Cyler and Becky G are so amazing together, they had the entire room laughing!

Who has dressed up as a Power Ranger? *Raises hand* I’m pretty sure I was the pink ranger for three Halloween’s in a row. No shame!
So I’m happy RJ agrees that hey nobody can judge me now because I’m really the Blue Ranger. What do you think it was really like gearing up to wear the suits? Who were the pranksters on set? The answers may surprise you.
We also got to hear about how they really felt about wearing their suits the last day.

Have you ever wanted to be a Power Ranger? How would you feel if you ever got the call? I personally would probably freak out like crazy? Childhood come true.
I think out of the entire Q&A Becky’s answer to this was my absolute favorite.
Make sure you go out and watch The Power Rangers movie when it comes out on March 24!

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